Any stock that has been split will eventually (time frame depends, not fixed) 
come back to the pre-SS level. Patience is virtue. Antm WILL be more than 
8000...Heck, I am more than happy if it goes to 5000. 
Hihihi...hiii....hiiihhiii.....hiihihihihihihiiii.... (LCY's trademark)

Ksatria Madangkara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:            ANTM Post-Stock Split 
can go to Rp 8.000.
  Just sharing.
  The choice is yours.
  Be patient. It rewards.

  On 11/2/07, abdulrahim abdulrahim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:             Ragu 
nih. Beli sekarang apa nunggu koreksi dulu. Kang Ocoy, dan teman2
lain, ulasannya dong.



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