Bermula dari kemenangan BTEL yang tanpa modal
"Bakrie Telcom, the politically connected telecom concern owned by the
family business group of Coordinating Minister for Welfare Aburizal Bakrie,
would likely benefit from any forced sale that ensues from a final appeal
ruling that goes against Temasek, industry analysts predict.

Earlier this year the government controversially granted Bakrie Telecom a
license to operate nationally, expanding on an original concession that
restricted it to the main island of Java. While a court ruling that forces
Temasek to sell down its Indosat and Telkomsel stakes and allows Bakrie to
buy in would help that company's competitive prospects, it would also come
at the expense of Indonesia's only recently revived reputation as a safe
foreign investment destination."

BTEL secara ghoib menang tender jadi operator nasional, tapi ga punya
fasilitas. Jadi harus beli saham ISAT ato TLKM supaya bisa cepet
operasional. Biar dikit gapapa. 

Kebetulan temen
"Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Wakil Presiden (Wapres), M. Jusuf Kalla,
memerintahkan Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat (Menko Kesra),
Aburizal Bakrie, bersama Kalakhar Bakornas PBP, Syamsul Maarif, segera
membentuk Badan Penanggulangan Bencana sebagaimana yang dimaksudkan dalam
Undang-Undang Penanggulangan Bencana."

DPR mendesak KPPU
"Medan, WASPADA Online, Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) diminta
tegas memutuskan kasus dugaan monopoli Temasek Holding dalam industri
telekomunikasi tanah air. Dimana Temasek Holding secara jelas telah
melakukan praktek cross ownership (kepemilikan silang) di Telkomsel dan

Demikian  beberapa anggota Komisi VI DPR terdiri dari Nasril Bahar (FPAN),
Nusron Wahid (FPG), Zainut Tauhid (FPPP) kepada wartawan di Jakarta,
kemarin. Menurut Nasril, sesuai pasal 27 UU No. 5 tahun 1999, jelas
disebutkan, pelaku usaha yang menguasai lebih dari 75 persen pangsa pasar
satu jenis barang atau jasa tertentu dinilai telah melanggar prinsip anti

Keputusan KPPU keluar,20071120-111915,
"The Commission Assembly, chaired by Syamsul Maarif, decided that the
Singaporean government-owned investment organization violated Decree No.
5/1999 on Prohibition of Monopoly Practices and Unhealthy Business

As a result, Temasek must let go of its shares in Telkomsel or Indosat,
which is held by its subsidiary, SingaporeTelecom (SingTel) and Singapore
Technologies (ST) Telemedia. "The shares must be within two years at the
maximum since this decision has legal grounds ," said Syamsul, reading the
decision of the KPPU Commission Assembly session."

Temasek harus jual sahamnya minoritas TLKM dan ISAT.

Tapi grup Alfa dan Altimo gak boleh beli semua[EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The divested shares, Syamsul said, must not exceed five percent for each

Musti disisain buat BTEL group.

Sekarang Temasek mulai bergerak:

to be continue... :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of HS
Sent: 21 Nopember 2007 22:17
Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] ISAT akan dijual oleh Temasek, Telkomsel

kalo isat dilepas temasek, yg akan beli adalah altimo
dr rusia. altimo ini termasuk yg menggoyang temasek
dgn issue monopoli. goyangan sdh dimulai sejak akhir
2005, dan masuk ke semua sendi kenegaraan: eksekutif,
legislatif, yudikatif, lsm, dll... jadi kalo temasek
mau menang banding, dia hrs lebih kuat infiltrasinya
kedalam tris politika, dll..

--- Mudy Situmorang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Gak efektif, lebih efektif kumpul duwit, bayar
> anggota DPR yang menekan KPPU
> supaya berbalik mendukung Temasek ;-)
> Ato jangan-jangan lebih baik langsung bayar ke
> KPPU...
> Guyon mas...
> Orang rusak mah ga usah diurusin. Republik driven by
> interest.
> Buat trader, yang penting kita tau, TLKM gonjang
> ganjing 9.000 - 11.000=
> profit. Guncangan selesai TLKM naik 13.000 = profit.
> BTEL punya lobby kuat,
> bisa naik pake jet = profit. ISAT digoyang sampe
> Temasek lepas = profit.
> Kata GusPur: Gituaja kok repot.... :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of Eka Suwandana
> Sent: 21 Nopember 2007 14:08
> To:
> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] ISAT akan dijual oleh
> Temasek, Telkomsel
> dihold
> gimana masyarakat investor bikin petisi ke KPPU!
> Supaya Temasek nggak kabur kita member OB kan ada
> 5000, kalo 2000 orang aja signed bagus.
> --- Dodik SUDIYONO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > beli indosat sekarang, wah tunggu aja maen tektok
> > ... liat bottomnya aja 
> > deh ... menjelang 2 tahun kayanya tektok tektok
> ...
> > dalam 2 tahun nggak 
> > kejual bisa bisa jualan di harga murah alias
> obral,
> > kalo temasek mau 
> > ngelepas Indosat.
> > 
> > memang agak membingungkan antara 2 pilihan
> telkomsel
> > atau indosat tapi 
> > liat nasehatnya mbah aja deh ... ini perlu
> kejelian
> > pertempuran antara 
> > bandar-bandar besar.
> > 
> > mohon strategi pertempurannya mbah.
> > 
> > gdbrook wrote:
> > >
> > > Temasek likely to keep stake in Telkomsel but
> > divest stake in
> > > Indosat.
> > >
> > > That's the answer why ISAT was increased higher
> > than TLKM today, to
> > > give a green umbrella for Temasek to leave.
> > > Buy ISAT buy !.
> > > gdbrook
> > >
> > > On 11/21/07, agoes_htm <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com 
> > > <>> wrote:
> > > > Indosat: Temasek likely to keep stake in
> > Telkomsel but divest stake in
> > > > Indosat - report
> > > >
> > > > Indosat, the Indonesian-based telecom, will
> > likely be sold if Temasek
> > > > fails to appeal judgment by anti-monopoly
> > watchdog group, reported the
> > > > Straits Times. <br>Competition Supervisory
> > Commission (KPPU), the
> > > > Indonesian anti-monopoly watchdog, ruled
> against
> > Temasek on Monday
> > > > noting
> > > > that the company had violated foreign
> ownership
> > laws through its stake
> > > > in
> > > > Indosat and Telkomsel. As a result of the
> > decision, Indosat may be
> > > > forced
> > > > to sell off either its stake in Indosat or its
> > stake in Telkomsel. A
> > > > Citigroup report noted that the Telkomsel
> > business was much more
> > > > valuable
> > > > than the business of Indosat.
> > > >
> > > > Source : Strait Times
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >  
> > 
> > 
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