Kang Ocoy yang mempopulerkan Fundamental Analysis tapi 
pak Tasrul yang dapet 950k/orang....

Pak Tasrul harus kasih Royalty ama kang ocoy nih.. hehehe...

At least instrukturnya pak Sonny Akbar harus kasih KULIAH
GRATIS dimilis OB secara GRATIS dimilis OB seperti yg 
dilakukan Kang Ocoy...

Kalo engga, embah ngerasa ENGGA FAIR ama Kang Ocoy...

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Tasrul Tanar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> FYI..
>                         1 day Training : FUNDAMENTAL Analysis...
(Batch 1)   Materi :
>   1. Perhitungan discount rate 
>          * Cost of equity 
>          * Cost of capital 
>   2. Aplikasi CAPM dan bond yield risk premium 
>   3. Aplikasi perhitungan discounted cash flow valuation 
>          * Dividend discount model 
>          * Free cash flow model 
>         * One, two and three stage growth and terminal value 
>   4. Relative valuation 
>          * PER (trailing vs forward looking) 
>          * PBV (trailing vs forward looking) 
> Semua perhitungan di atas dipermudah dengan menggunakan Excel…..
>   Just input into the model, use your assumption and find the 
intrinsic value……
>   Tanggal : Sabtu, 1 Desember 2007 jam 09'00 s/d 15'00
>   Pengajar : Sonny A. Akbar ( Analis Fundamental dari Overseas 
Sekuritas )
>   Tempat : The Tee Box Cafe, Jl. Wijaya (tentative)
>   Biaya : Rp. 950.000,- (BCA 006 1708404 Yuliantika H)
>   Info : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (+62 21 92642107)
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