soal OIL ada technical analyst dari Goldman Sach mengatakan oil akhir tahun
ini $85
dan dalam 12 bulan ke depan kalu nggak salah ingat $95
kita lihat benar nggak yach
sebab waktu oil masih $40 si doi udah ngeramal bakal $60

On Nov 29, 2007 7:49 PM, jsx_consultant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   Oil Surges After Enbridge Pipeline Explosion Cuts U.S. Supplies
> By Grant Smith and Eduard Gismatullin
> Nov. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Oil surged more than $4 a barrel, the most in
> a month, after an explosion cut Canadian oil shipments through
> Enbridge Inc. pipelines that typically provide about 15 percent of
> U.S. crude imports.
> The blast yesterday killed two workers and initially closed four
> pipelines that supply U.S. refiners with an average 1.5 million
> barrels a day. Two of those have now reopened and a fire near the
> Clearbrook terminal in Minnesota where the pipelines meet has been
> extinguished, Enbridge said today.
> ``It is a major incident with major supply issues in an important
> area,'' said Paul Horsnell, head of commodities research at Barclays
> Capital in London. ``It will put pressure on prompt demand in the
> Midwest,'' of the U.S.
> Crude oil for January delivery gained as much as $4.55, or 5 percent,
> to $95.17 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile
> Exchange, the biggest gain since Oct. 31. The contract, which rose
> for the first time this week, traded at $93.32, up $2.70, at 12:11
> p.m. London time.
> ``At least one or two lines will be shut down for quite sometime,''
> Denise Hamsher, a spokeswoman for Calgary-based Enbridge, said today
> by telephone.
> Brent crude oil for January settlement climbed as much as $3.01, or
> 3.4 percent, to $92.82 a barrel on the London-based ICE Futures
> Europe exchange. The contract pared gains to trade at $91.56 a barrel
> at 12:11 p.m. in London.
> Snaps Slide
> Today's rise snaps a 7.7 percent slide in the first three days of the
> week, driven by signs that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
> Countries is raising production and may increase output further.
> Crude touched a record high of $99.29 in New York on Nov. 21.
> ``It's an important pipeline and it's also where it's being hit,
> these pipeline junctions are a nightmare,'' said Rob Laughlin, a
> senior broker at MF Global Ltd. in London. Oil ``could go up further
> if it's shut for some time.''
> Enbridge's pipelines typically feed 1.5 million barrels a day of
> crude to refineries including BP Plc's plant in Whiting, Indiana, and
> plants in the U.S.'s refining heartland on the Gulf Coast. The U.S.
> imported 10.3 million barrels a day last week.
> U.S. crude oil stockpiles fell 452,000 barrels to 313.2 million last
> week, the Energy Department said yesterday. Oil inventories in
> Cushing, Oklahoma, the delivery point for the U.S. benchmark grade,
> were at 15.2 million barrels as of Nov. 23, the lowest since October
> 2005.
> The Enbridge blast threatens ``a lot of crude, but U.S. crude stocks
> are comfortably mid-range,'' said Mike Wittner, head of oil research
> at Societe Generale SA in London. ``Based on past experience,
> pipelines are normally repaired in a matter of days, not weeks, and
> certainly not months.''
> Two Lines Reopen
> The leak and explosion occurred at the No. 3 pipeline, which was
> undergoing maintenance, according to Enbridge. The No. 1 and No. 2
> pipelines have now reopened.
> U.S. refineries operated at 89.4 percent of capacity, the highest
> since the week ended Sept. 14, the energy department said. Refiners
> usually start in November units that were shut during the previous
> two months for repairs after the summer driving season ends and
> before demand for heating oil picks up.
> Qatar's oil minister yesterday refuted reports that OPEC plans to
> raise oil output when it meets next week in Abu Dhabi, as the market
> is well-supplied and OPEC members are providing all they can.
> To contact the reporter on this story: Eduard Gismatullin in London
> at [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> Grant Smith
> in London at
> Last Updated: November 29, 2007 07:22 EST

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