More trading upside, PO raised to Rp1,800

Although the stock has appreciated by 84% over the past three months and

trades at a 9% premium to our base case NAV, we still see trading upside on the

stock based on EV-to-reserves comparison and bull case NAV. We reiterate Buy

with a 33% higher PO of Rp1,800, or 25% upside.

Higher oil price assumption lifted EPS

Merrill Lynch's energy team has raised WTI oil price forecast for 2008 from

US$73/bbl to US$82/bbl, for 2009 and long-term from US$60 to US$70. As such,

we increased 2008 EPS estimates by 14% and 2009's by 15%.

Pricing of uncontracted gas - an important swing factor

Between now and 2012, we estimate ENRG will produce 642 bcf of natural gas

(gross), 159 bcf of which is un-contracted. Our NAV is highly sensitive to the 

of this gas. We believe the industry regulator will soon issue a gas price 
formula that

would allow aggressive price hikes - a positive for both upstream and pipe

operators. Our NAV ranges from Rp1,321 to Rp1,696 based on sensitivity analysis.

Looks attractive based on EV-to-reserves comparison

EV-to- reserves (2P) comparison highlights ENRG as one of the value stocks, at

US$9.9/boe. ENRG may offer strong inorganic growth in reserves, given

Indonesia's focus on ramping up oil exploration and ENRG's political clout. In 

transactions, ENRG purchased THP at an implied valuation of US$3.4/boe, and

sold part of Kangean at as much as US$4.7/boe, by our calculation.

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