Pak Aditya,

Sepertinya anda expert di Money market (forex) kalo engga 
salah, Boleh tau prediksi anda tentang Rupiah untuk thn 2008.

--- In, "Aditya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Download Attachment at:
> Traders often talk about zero sum games. This discussion came from a
> branch of game theory which deals with the decision making process.
> Game theory is not simply the study of games. It is the study of how
> many different and complex problems may have simple solutions. Game
> theory helps determine the proper decisions.
> Successful trading is highly dependent on proper decision making. 
> theory may be helpful in understanding some of the decisions 
> in trading.
> A zero-sum game is a game where the amount lost by one or more 
> is equal to the amount gained by the other players. Chess is a two
> person zero-sum game. If one player wins, the other player loses. If
> there is a draw neither player gains or loses.
> Poker is an example of a two or greater person zero-sum game. If 
> are more than 2 players, then one or more of the players can win at
> the expense of the other players. However, all players can not win
> because at least one player must provide the profits and therefore 
> least one player must lose.
> The stock market is a nonzero-sum game. For example, I buy TLKM for
> 3375. I sell it a week latter for 3385 to Stock Buyer-2. Stock 
> sells the same stock a week latter for 395. I made money and Stock
> Buyer-2 made money. No one lost money. This same process can yield
> losses when for everyone when stock prices declines. If I buy TLKM 
> 395 and sell it to Stock Buyer-2 for 385 and Stock Buyer-2 sells 
> for 375, then we both have a loss. Everyone lost money.
> To complicate the discussion, it is possible to have a negative –sum
> situation. Commissions and overhead and other expenses must be
> considered in the real world. Unless the profits exceed the 
> the result is a loss.
> Want to know the single biggest reason successful traders win?
> Successful traders profit from trading because their trading system
> has a positive expectancy.
> Rgds,
> Aditya
> --- In, "naruto.saham"
> <naruto.saham@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "Mudy Situmorang" <mudy@> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Pasar modal tidak sepenuhnya zero sum game. Bahkan sama sekali 
> > berbeda.
> > > 
> > > Ada banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi pasar modal, bukan hanya 
> > capital inflow
> > > dan outflow. Sehingga bisa saja semua untung atau semua rugi. 
> > > bertentangan dengan definisi zero sum game.
> > > 
> > > Jadi Pasar Modal BUKAN (tidak identik dengan) zero sum game.
> > > 
> > > Pada kasus tertentu pada masa tertentu bisa saja Pasar Modal 
> > memenuhi zero
> > > sum game, tapi jualan baso juga sama :-)
> > > 
> > 
> > Pembeli baso bukan sesama pedagang bakso kan? Walaupun bisa saja.
> > Kalau di saham pembeli dan penjual adalah sesama pedagang saham. 
> > Kecil kemungkinan saham dijual di luar bursa.
> >

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