

Ini saya copy-kan tips itu - saya kira sangat relevan sekali dlm
tradings/investings kita saat2 ini - sekalian bisa utk menjawab beberapa
pertanyaan temen2 di sini [scr tidak langsung]


Happy chuan,



es.html>  Rhodes' Trading Rules 

Simple methods work best

1.      The first and most important rule is - in bull markets, one is
supposed to be long. This may sound obvious, but how many of us have sold
the first rally in every bull market, saying that the market has moved too
far, too fast. I have before, and I suspect I'll do it again at some point
in the future. Thus, we've not enjoyed the profits that should have accrued
to us for our initial bullish outlook, but have actually lost money while
being short. In a bull market, one can only be long or on the sidelines.
Remember, not having a position is a position. 
2.      Buy that which is showing strength - sell that which is showing
weakness. The public continues to buy when prices have fallen. The
professional buys because prices have rallied. This difference may not sound
logical, but buying strength works. The rule of survival is not to "buy low,
sell high", but to "buy higher and sell higher". Furthermore, when comparing
various stocks within a group, buy only the strongest and sell the weakest. 
3.      When putting on a trade, enter it as if it has the potential to be
the biggest trade of the year. Don't enter a trade until it has been well
thought out, a campaign has been devised for adding to the trade, and
contingency plans set for exiting the trade. 
4.      On minor corrections against the major trend, add to trades. In bull
markets, add to the trade on minor corrections back into support levels. In
bear markets, add on corrections into resistance. Use the 33-50% corrections
level of the previous movement or the proper moving average as a first point
in which to add. 
5.      Be patient. If a trade is missed, wait for a correction to occur
before putting the trade on. 
6.      Be patient. Once a trade is put on, allow it time to develop and
give it time to create the profits you expected. 
7.      Be patient. The old adage that "you never go broke taking a profit"
is maybe the most worthless piece of advice ever given. Taking small profits
is the surest way to ultimate loss I can think of, for small profits are
never allowed to develop into enormous profits. The real money in trading is
made from the one, two or three large trades that develop each year. You
must develop the ability to patiently stay with winning trades to allow them
to develop into that sort of trade. 
8.      Be patient. Once a trade is put on, give it time to work; give it
time to insulate itself from random noise; give it time for others to see
the merit of what you saw earlier than they. 
9.      Be impatient. As always, small loses and quick losses are the best
losses. It is not the loss of money that is important. Rather, it is the
mental capital that is used up when you sit with a losing trade that is
10.     Never, ever under any condition, add to a losing trade, or "average"
into a position. If you are buying, then each new buy price must be higher
than the previous buy price. If you are selling, then each new selling price
must be lower. This rule is to be adhered to without question. 
11.     Do more of what is working for you, and less of what's not. Each
day, look at the various positions you are holding, and try to add to the
trade that has the most profit while subtracting from that trade that is
either unprofitable or is showing the smallest profit. This is the basis of
the old adage, "let your profits run." 
12.     Don't trade until the technicals and the fundamentals both agree.
This rule makes pure technicians cringe. I don't care! I will not trade
until I am sure that the simple technical rules I follow, and my fundamental
analysis, are running in tandem. Then I can act with authority, and with
certainty, and patiently sit tight. 
13.     When sharp losses in equity are experienced, take time off. Close
all trades and stop trading for several days. The mind can play games with
itself following sharp, quick losses. The urge "to get the money back" is
extreme, and should not be given in to. 
14.     When trading well, trade somewhat larger. We all experience those
incredible periods of time when all of our trades are profitable. When that
happens, trade aggressively and trade larger. We must make our proverbial
"hay" when the sun does shine. 
15.     When adding to a trade, add only 1/4 to 1/2 as much as currently
held. That is, if you are holding 400 shares of a stock, at the next point
at which to add, add no more than 100 or 200 shares. That moves the average
price of your holdings less than half of the distance moved, thus allowing
you to sit through 50% corrections without touching your average price. 
16.     Think like a guerrilla warrior. We wish to fight on the side of the
market that is winning, not wasting our time and capital on futile efforts
to gain fame by buying the lows or selling the highs of some market
movement. Our duty is to earn profits by fighting alongside the winning
forces. If neither side is winning, then we don't need to fight at all. 
17.     Markets form their tops in violence; markets form their lows in
quiet conditions. 
18.     The final 10% of the time of a bull run will usually encompass 50%
or more of the price movement. Thus, the first 50% of the price movement
will take 90% of the time and will require the most backing and filling and
will be far more difficult to trade than the last 50%.




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of edwinkdr
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 6:49 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Landing ?. ...Re: Analisa DE, Bloomberg: AALI &
LSIP + investor portfolio


> - Scenario 1, FM JKT DIATUR pasar,
> - Scenario 2, FM JKT NGATUR/NENTUIN pasar.

Setuju Mbah...:-p

Lha wong saya juga ga terlalu ngerti FA dan TA....
Tapi kira2 menurut keterbatasan TA dan FA yg saya ngerti, 

IHSG Break New Hi + VOL dan DJI sepertinya mau balik...
Walaupun bisa juga tdk VALID....CMIIW --

Di Kondisi yg seperti ini, sepertinya STRATEGI MENTAL yg lebih 
berperan penting...(PEGANGAN)

Kalo SKENARIO 1 jalan OK....bisa stop loss dulu atau siapkan dana 
cadangan untuk menunggu posisi dibawah kalo sudah nanggung...^^
(Dollar Cost Averaging/Value Cost Averaging/Constan Dollar Plan 

Kalo SKENARIO 2 yg jalan...WELCOME IHSG 3.000

Lepas dari itu...harus banyak2 SABAR kali ya...;-)
Sabar menunggu NAIK ataupun Sabar menunggu TURUN.....

Dari kemarin saya iseng2 ngumpulin Tips Trading di Blog, buat ngisi 
google adsense yg baru saya tahu he he....sekalian nginget2 lagi....
Membaca "Richard Rhodes' Trading Rules" kog dari 18 Tips...4 tips 
diantaranya "Be Patient" ya...cuman 1 aja Impatientnya...kalo LOSS, 
cari yg terbaik...(RISK MANAGEMEN)


Mohon Koreksinya jika salah,

Tks Rgds,

--- In obrolan-bandar@ <>, "jsx_consultant" <jsx-
> --- In obrolan-bandar@ <>, "jsx_consultant" <jsx-
> consultant@> wrote:
> >
> Tambahan:
> - Scenario 1, FM JKT DIATUR pasar,
> - Scenario 2, FM JKT NGATUR/NENTUIN pasar.
> > Pendapat pak Edwin make sense...
> > 
> > Embah mau nambahain:
> > 1. Jika Landing terjadi di Regional Asia duluan baru Indonesia,
> > maka scenario pak Edwin sepertinya tidak bisa dilaksanakan.
> > Seperti ketika DJI crash karena kasus SM di Amerika. Para
> > FM Jkt juga TENGKUREP...
> > 2. Tapi jika Landing terjadi di JKT duluan, maka scenario pak
> > Edwin SANGAT MUNGKIN terjadi...
> > 
> > 
> > --- In obrolan-bandar@ <>, "edwinkdr" <edwinkdr@> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > Mungkin, setelah MAYORITAS Trader OVER PERCAYA DIRI mengatakan 
> > > BULLISH dan masih akan terus berlanjut, kali ya...(BALANCING yg 
> > OVER)
> > > 
> > > Seperti Katak yg direbus dalam baskom...:-p
> > > Kalo Airnya Langsung Panas, ga mungkin katak bisa 
> kerebus....karena 
> > > pasti langsung lompat atau lari....
> > > Tapi Kalo airnya dingin dulu...katak di cemplungin....seneng 
> > dia 
> > > main2 disitu....:-)
> > > 
> > > Kemudian Kompor mulai dinyalakan...mulai anget...wah katak 
> > > tambah nyaman nie...dan mulai tertidur...
> > > 
> > > Dan lama2 MATENG kataknya.....:-p
> > > 
> > > Seperti Pak James bilang,,,siklus akan berulang...
> > > Tapi sebelumnya mungkin saya inget kata2 Pak Oentoeng...
> > > Kalo IHSG akan ke 3.000an awal Tahun ini...^^
> > > 
> > > Semoga saja DONE ^^
> > > Untuk menjaga para katak untuk tetep hangat dulu ^^
> > > 
> > > BTW, ada yg mo direbus ga ya ? ;-)
> > > Mohon Koreksinya jika ada yg salah...
> > > 
> > > Keep Safe Trading :-p
> > > 
> > > Tks Rgds.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In obrolan-bandar@ <>, "jsx_consultant" <jsx-
> > > consultant@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In obrolan-bandar@ <>, "Dean Earwicker" 
> > > > <dean.earwicker@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Ada yang tanya berapa komposisi invest vs trading dari 
> > dana 
> > > > DE?
> > > > > Sekarang 90:10, tapi ini bebas terserah anda. Saya ambil 
> > > komposisi 
> > > > seperti
> > > > > ini karena keterbatasan waktu saya untuk memantau daily 
> market. 
> > > > *Like I said
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Pak DE,
> > > > 
> > > > Dari analisa bandarmologi, embah memprediksikan akan ada 
> > > > Market Correction yg cukup dalam, Correction itu bisa 
> > > > Soft atau Hard landing. 
> > > > 
> > > > When ?. 
> > > > - Sometime in the near future ?. 
> > > > How soon ?. 
> > > > - I don't know.
> > > > 
> > > > Bagaimana pendapat pak DE tentang potensi landing ini ?.
> > > > 
> > > > Di CNBC, beberapa hari yg lalu ada seorang market expert yg
> > > > ngomong tentang potensi Landing ini, tapi bukan orang 
> > > >
> > >
> >


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