banyak lagi coan di US dari hasil ngeshort ...

On 1/18/08, arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  now it's real recession...
>  The Dow, which had been up more than 50 points early in the session,
>  closed down 306.95, or 2.46 percent, at 12,159.21.
>  The Dow is now off 8.33 percent for the year; there have been just 12
>  trading days so far in 2008, but the index's frequent triple-digit
>  losses have now forced it to give back its 2007 gains. The Dow had
>  its lowest close since it ended the March 16, 2007, session at
>  12,110.41.
>  The Dow's decline also left it about 150 points above 12,000, a level
>  it hasn't closed below since November 2006.
>  The broader market indicators also plummeted. The S&P 500 index lost
>  39.95, or 2.91 percent, closing at 1,333.25, and leaving it was a
>  year-to-date loss of 9.2 percent, while the Nasdaq dropped 47.69, or
>  1.99 percent, to 2,346.90, giving it a 2008 deficit of 11.51 percent.
>  Thursday brought the lowest close for the S&P 500 since October 2006
>  and the worst for the Nasdaq since March of last year.
>  --- In, "Mudy Situmorang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  wrote:
>  >
>  > Balik ke Laptop.....
>  >
>  > Eropa tutup sekitar -0,7%
>  > Dow -2.46% fasten your seatbelt
>  > Ada gejala-gejala nyungsep lagi ni...
>  > Sekarang semua tergantung pada bursa asia (Nikei & Hangseng)
>  > Tapi kalaupun Jumat merah, ada harapan besar Senin hijo.
>  >
>  > Jadi sementara saya rasa bottom crash Januari sudah terjadi Rabu
>  kemaren
>  > (moga-moga).
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > AP
>  > Dow Ends Down 307, Economic Angst Mounts
>  > Thursday January 17, 4:49 pm ET
>  > By Tim Paradis, AP Business Writer
>  > Dow Ends Down 307 As Stocks Plunge on Manufacturing Slide; Bond
>  Insurers
>  > Fall Amid Loss Fears
>  >
>  >
>  > NEW YORK (AP) -- Wall Street extended its 2008 plunge Thursday,
>  tumbling
>  > after a regional Federal Reserve report showed a sharp decline in
>  > manufacturing activity and as investors feared that downgrades of
>  key bond
>  > insurers could trigger further trouble with souring debt.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > -----Original Message-----
>  > From: [mailto:obrolan-
>  > On Behalf Of Mas Anto
>  > Sent: 17 Januari 2008 23:11
>  > To:
>  > Subject: Re: Hard rebound Jumat atau Senin? RE: [obrolan-bandar]
>  Re: Rebound
>  >
>  > Wah kirain becanda lagi....
>  >
>  > Kalau tebakan saya sih HARD LANDING nya besok, tapi pembukaan dibuat
>  > HIJAU dulu biar Pasukan Bodrex kira ini saatnya REBOUND, tapi habis
>  > itu akan diguyur sampai basah kuyup, trus SENIN mulai RALLY...
>  >
>  > tapi ini kata Mbah Mangiijan - tukang parkir di Bakmi Jawa langganan
>  > gw (bukan Mbah Marijan), jadi kalau gak percaya ya silahkan n kalau
>  > cuma bengong n ternyata beneran besok REBOUND ya....paling gigit
>  jari.
>  >
>  > Whatever you do, JUST DUIT.
>  >
>  > rgds
>  > anto
>  >
>  >
>  > 2008/1/17 Mudy Situmorang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  > >
>  > > Kalau crash bukan karena resesi, akan recover paling lama 1
>  bulan. Crash
>  > > Agustus 2007 recover dalam 2 minggu. Crash Jan 2008 (moga-moga)
>  tidak
>  > > sedalam Agustus 2007 saat dampak SPM baru disadari. Jadi bullish
>  masih
>  > dapat
>  > > diharapkan berlanjut walau tidak segalak dulu dan IHSG (moga-
>  moga) kembali
>  > > keatas 2800.
>  > >
>  > > Kemarin yang dikhawatirkan crash berhenti Rabu atau berlanjut
>  sampai
>  > Jumat.
>  > > Ternyata Kamis sudah soft rebound. Jadi tebakan selanjutnya
>  adalah hard
>  > > rebound Jumat besok atau Senin 21/1. Tentu saja masih akan ada
>  bottom lagi
>  > > tapi (moga-moga) tidak sedalam Rabu.
>  > >
>  >
>  >
>  > + +
>  > + + + + +
>  > Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
>  > kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
>  > + + + + +
>  > + +
>  > Yahoo! Groups Links
>  >

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