kekekek.. jd malu belon punya bloomberg.. kaya maen pake handicap aja 
jadinya.. maklum aja, DP mah emang M*dit!... kikikikikikikkkk...
--- In, "Boy YR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> oke.. oke ..
> nanti saya pasangin bloomberg.
> :D
> On 2/18/08, kang_ocoy_maen_saham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > coal eMANG eDAN,...
> >
> > i admit it, i had it wrong for being too conservative on energy's
> > price... i might change my coal's counter EPS Forecast..
> >
> > Tembus $150 terpaksa semua asumsi direvisi, sensitivitas EPS 
> > perusahaan coal mesti naik minimal 100%.., in some cases yg
> > batubaranya kualitas eksport malah bisa sampe 200%an...
> >
> > awal 07 harga coal di $50an per Ton, desember akhir masih di 
> >
> > tadi malam aja sempat $139
> >
> > FYI harga rata2 selling price coalnya emiten di pasar kita tuh 
> > tinggi BUMI (rata2nya berkisar 70-80% harga di pasar 
> > sementara PTBA sekitar 45-60%an harga di pasar internasional...
> >
> > say untuk tahun ini harga rata2 coal di level $125 aja,
> >
> > dengan asumsi selling price BUMI di $96, trus 2008  produksinya 75
> > juta Ton. COGS per tonnya $30, maka revenuenya, COGS en gross
> > marginnya jadi $7.2 Billion, $2.25billion, en 69%.
> >
> > trus operating expensenya rata2 4% dr revenue jd skitar $360
> > million.. operating profitnya jadi $4.59 bILLION.
> >
> > Interest expense adalah sedikit buat bayar utang yg tinggal 
> > $50 million-an...
> >
> > net profit before taxesnya jadi $4 Billion,
> > dikurangin provisi tax 30% jd $ 2.8 Billion...
> > dikurangin minority interest jatahnya TATA (30%) jadi $1.96 Bio
> >
> > issued shares 19.4 Bio
> >
> > Earning per share BUMI2008 jadi $0.101
> >
> >
> > Darn EPS di level $1.01 ini tadinya adalah perkiraan di tahun 2010
> > andai Coalnya bergerak normal... gile bener coal naeknya...
> >
> > itu BUMI..
> >
> >
> > sama PTBA juga gitu naek minimal 1.5 kali lipat dr EPS Forecast
> > lama., kalo railway bisa eksekusi sebelum 2008 abis malah bisa 
> > itu... ancer2nya ntar kalo EPS 2007 keluar dikaliin 2 - 2.5 aja
> > minimal, likely EPS 2008 bakal di level segitu..
> >
> > Coal januari 2007 $55 -> Coal Januari 2008 $100
> >
> >
> > Sick!!... economic slowdown huh??... cihh definitely not from the
> > energy consumption side...
> >
> > darn, ketinggalan terus... not seeing that comin...
> >
> > udah waktunya sayah minta pasangin Bloomberg ke bos saya... bisa
> > ketinggalan terus kalo kaya gini.., Darn...
> >
> >
> > asem...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, "sulistyo_winarto"
> > <sulistyo_winarto@> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Dear all, kagak ngomporin ya... Thanks
> > >
> > > di KONTAN juga ada..
> > >
> > > BUMI, PTBA, ITMG, ANTM, UNTR, AALI, TINS  dsb..... (yang rally 
> > > istirahat dulu lah)
> > >
> > > Coal supply cuts mount as Rio declares force majeure
> > >
> > > Reuters - Friday, February 15
> > >
> > > Prices of thermal coal, used in power generation and the
> > manufacturing
> > > of cement, have also vaulted in recent weeks, due to supply 
> > > from Australia and China. (Reporting by Fayen Wong; Editing by 
> > > Thornhill and Louise Heavens) - SYDNEY, Feb 15 - Rio Tinto Ltd 
> > Friday
> > > declared force majeure at a northern Queensland coal mine after
> > heavy
> > > rains, the sixth miner in Australia to default on coal shipments
> > this
> > > year.
> > >
> > > Rio's force majeure at its 4.5 million tonnes a year Hail Creek
> > coking
> > > coal mine could put further upward pressure on spot prices, 
> > have
> > > already jumped over 80 percent to more than $270 a tonne since 
> > start
> > > of the year.
> > >
> > > "A confluence of disruptions with three of the top five 
> > around
> > > the world having problems has resulted in record prices which 
> > > unlikely to moderate," said a Sydney-based coal analyst. He
> > declined to
> > > be unidentified because he was not authorised to speak to the 
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > + +
> > + + + + +
> > Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
> > kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
> > + + + + +
> > + +
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >

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