--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Elaine > > *Elaine
> >
> >  *This group is too open. Anyone can view and browse it from
> > website without having to join. This makes this group not so
exclusive. I
> > think it's a good idea to limit access of this group only to
> >

The goal of OB group is to provide a medium/centre for Information
EXCHANGE and SHARING for all BEI investors.

If OB mailing list is CLOSED to public, the goal will not
be optimal. So embah has no intention to make this group
as an EXCLUSIVE group.

Buat El sih enak, kalo selinggkuh di OB pak Boyz, engga akan
ketauan ama Texas boyfriendnya... hehehe...

Dan bagusnya, jika ada member OB yg pintar seperti EL, bikin
TULISAN YG BAGUS dan mau dilihat ama Sri Mulyani, ibu mentri
engga usah daftar dulu ama embah, lansung aja baca tulisan EL.

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