Lumayan lah inponya. Kang Dean dah pernah bilang juga.
Benernya pengen nanya sih. Tapi ya gak lah. Narsis sih
:D BTW gue liat kog practicalnya di BUMI today. Pas
istirahat offer di 5650 dipasang 34000 lot. Pas start
session 2 itu bid hilang tinggal 6ooo an lot. Finally
jebol tuh barriernya. Yang begini termasuk basi juga
kali ya ? tauk ah elap :D


--- Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But it wouldn't be fun at all.... at least for me...
> and I did
> barriers are. Ok, I'll write here again:
> *For those who didn't catch up:
> barriers = big, seem unpenetrable offer(bid) queue,
> effective for moving the
> price up/down and play a big role in psychological
> wars
> headshots = phantom bid/offers = sudden
> (dis)appearing of bids/offers, ppl
> often lured in this kinda situation, got panicked
> and cut loss.
> Most traders can't see the difference between DONE
> vs WITHDRAWN. All they
> see (and belief) is that the BID/OFFERS are GONE.
> They THOUGHT they were TRX
> DONE, but the fact is most of the time they were
> WITHDRAWN (either partially
> or completely)
> That's just an example on how to drive the market
> prices.
> It's difficult to see (for average retail traders)
> to see what the "real"
> transactions are (especially in high frequency
> orders). Most of
> Institutional dealer use special tools to do this
> (like
> LatentZero/RoyalBlue/Fidessa or Bloomberg TOMS and
> some more sophisticated
> and exotic tools).*
> I'm not going to get technical (since I'm not a
> dealer myself), maybe
> someone here can help me about this?. I remember
> someone  mentioned about
> Mechanical Trading. If you want to know about it, I
> suggest try google first
> :)
> Ok, may be you ask "why'd they need that?"
> Simple. These robots KNOW ABOUT TECHNICAL, from
> simple trendline to the most
> complex formula. They monitor money flow, regional
> markets, futurues, cmdy
> prices, fundamentals, currencies even rumors, news
> and running trades. They
> can mix any kind of information, and give the best
> price to be ordered. They
> literally can READ market psychology, and most of
> the "core" logic are to be
> That's why I said that I don't trade. I set target.
> Cuz, that's what I do,
> and I just let these robots do my command. Compared
> to "mature" market like
> those in Wall Street, IDX market capitalization are
> very small. It's very EASY
> to move it up and down.
> One of the real example of Mechanical Trading effect
> was the Dotcom Crash in
> 2000, August 07 global crash, and the recent
> commodity bubble crash.
> The firms who used these tools have virtually
> unlimited resources (aka
> Money) to get what they want, and they're working
> not just in IDX, but in
> all markets in the world. Maybe this sounds like a
> science fiction for some.
> But this is real. Don't ever try to beat these
> machines. Well, actually I
> don't have anything else to explain, since you
> (Embah) and Oentoeng are
> already know and aware of it. (Why the hell am I
> telling you this, I'm
> killing
> Oh, fyi we work in groups.
> Now, is there any question so far, kids?
> Elaine
> On 3/24/08, jsx_consultant
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   Pak Ontoeng udah kasih opini JANTAN terbuka..
> salute to you...
> >
> > Kita tunggu apa EL berani ngasih opini JANTAN juga
> ???
> >
> > Embah pengen tahu apakah DIDALAM strong character
> EL, juga
> > ada KEBERANIAN untuk bicara secara JANTAN (=
> > tanpa pake: kode kodean lah, barrier lah...
> >
> >
> > --- In
> <>,
> > "oentoeng_qq"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > P. Rei...
> > >
> > > Katanya Elaine khan MARCH MADNESS, saya baru
> inget kl bulan MARET
> > > ini belon berakhir.
> > > Trus saya kok feeling ama ketawa EL itu agak
> aneh gitu...
> > > Saya perhatikan hari ini kok byk yg "rebutan
> jualan"...
> > > Kayaknya BIG TSUNAMI sudah dekat nih...
> > >
> > > Saya tunggu seminggu ini deh, semoga lekas
> datang biar JELAS
> > > sekalian.
> > > Ntar malem, moga2 di mimpi saya keluar tgl dan
> harinya KAPAN?
> > > Kayak nomer togel aja yah, hahaha....
> > > Kalau belon keluar paling lambat saya tunggu
> sampe awal bulan depan!
> > >
> > > Karena BIG TSUNAMI kalau keluar beneran target
> 2000 akan NYAMPE!
> > > careful ajalah!
> > >
> > > Good luck!
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In
> <>,
> > Rei <highwaystar91@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Maksudnya apa pak Oen?
> > > > Bingung nih kalo ngomongnya pake istilah2
> begini yg hanya
> > > dimengerti beberapa pihak saja...ini milis kan
> isinya org2 biasa
> > > jadi jadikanlah kami juga bagian dari
> pertunjukan anda, jangan
> > > eksklusif buat pihak2 tertentu saja :D
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > oentoeng_qq <oentoeng_qq@> wrote:
> > > > Yang jelas Elaine akan menyelesaikan MARCH
> > di
> > > > Kalau liat ketawanya yg kayak kuntilanak,
> mestinya penantian ini
> > > > nggak akan lama.
> > > >
> > > > Tunggu saja AKSInya...
> > > > MENTAL sudah tidak berdaya, tapi KAKI masih
> kuat berdiri khan?
> > > > Ya nggak El?
> > > > Hehehe....
> > > >
> > > > > ----- Pesan Asli ----
> > > > > Dari: Elaine <>
> > > > > Kepada:
> > > > > Terkirim: Senin, 24 Maret, 2008 13:23:39
> > > > > Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Awas BULL
> > > > >
> > > > > hihi no more free lunch.. you're on your own
> now. Don't be too
> > > > dependent to Elaine, use your own analysis...
> come on, you're
> > good
> > > > trader, right? How could you believe me more
> than your own
> > > > .
> > > > >
> > > > > Elaine
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ---------------------------------
> > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find
> them fast with
=== message truncated ===

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