sbrapabesar kapitalisasi superbozz yg bisa mengombang ambing harga di bei??
mereka besar dan (ber) satu, kita mungkin lebih besar tp terpecah yg jelas selain sangat besar pastilah  kumpulan org2  jenius
dan berpengalaman spt EL.....,  oh my good we re against intelligent
machine  operated by some genius person...,
Bisa jadi mesin pinter ini jg membuat pola2 bulish berubah jadi bearish....,
pendekar ta bisa kelimpungan jg..., kalo tau yg dia lawan mesin....,
Liat order done... nilainya 2 lot doang berderet2...., spt gak mungkin
dilakukan manusia secara serempak..., bid and offer tiba2 numpuk...., tau2
ilang...., mengganggu psikology trader, mungkin mesin itu tau/menghitung dah
brp trader diluar sistem yg cut loss bear trap ato kena bull trap.. bahkan
ada hitungan untung dan ruginya sehingga dgn mudah mengambil
keputusan........., mengerikan............,

Suasana ekonomi dunia memungkin mereka mengganggu psikologi kita...., its
not good way for unexperienced trader for trading in this situation. Ini
lawannya Mbah, Pak Oen, dan Kang Ocoy.....,

We re waiting for your command masters...., thanks to mbah, Pak Oen dan Kang
Ocoy yg slalu memberi pencerahan pada ritail yg dah babak belur bulan ini
spt kita.....,

Butuh Katalis positif utk melawan kerugian ini yaitu ekonomi dunia yg

2008/3/24, Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>   But it wouldn't be fun at all.... at least for me... and I did 
> explain<>what
>  barriers are. Ok, I'll write here again:
> *For those who didn't catch up:
> barriers = big, seem unpenetrable offer(bid) queue, effective for moving
> the price up/down and play a big role in psychological wars
> headshots = phantom bid/offers = sudden (dis)appearing of bids/offers, ppl
> often lured in this kinda situation, got panicked and cut loss.
> Most traders can't see the difference between DONE vs WITHDRAWN. All they
> see (and belief) is that the BID/OFFERS are GONE. They THOUGHT they were TRX
> DONE, but the fact is most of the time they were WITHDRAWN (either partially
> or completely)
> That's just an example on how to drive the market prices.
> It's difficult to see (for average retail traders) to see what the "real"
> transactions are (especially in high frequency orders). Most of
> Institutional dealer use special tools to do this (like
> LatentZero/RoyalBlue/Fidessa or Bloomberg TOMS and some more sophisticated
> and exotic tools).*
> I'm not going to get technical (since I'm not a dealer myself), maybe
> someone here can help me about this?. I remember someone  mentioned about
> Mechanical Trading. If you want to know about it, I suggest try google first
> :)
> Ok, may be you ask "why'd they need that?"
> Simple. These robots KNOW ABOUT TECHNICAL, from simple trendline to the
> most complex formula. They monitor money flow, regional markets, futurues,
> cmdy prices, fundamentals, currencies even rumors, news and running trades.
> They can mix any kind of information, and give the best price to be ordered.
> They literally can READ market psychology, and most of the "core" logic are
> That's why I said that I don't trade. I set target. Cuz, that's what I do,
> and I just let these robots do my command. Compared to "mature" market like
> those in Wall Street, IDX market capitalization are very small. It's very EASY
> to move it up and down.
> One of the real example of Mechanical Trading effect was the Dotcom Crash
> in 2000, August 07 global crash, and the recent commodity bubble crash.
> The firms who used these tools have virtually unlimited resources (aka
> Money) to get what they want, and they're working not just in IDX, but in
> all markets in the world. Maybe this sounds like a science fiction for some.
> But this is real. Don't ever try to beat these machines. Well, actually I
> don't have anything else to explain, since you (Embah) and Oentoeng are
> already know and aware of it. (Why the hell am I telling you this, I'm
> killing
> Oh, fyi we work in groups.
> Now, is there any question so far, kids?
> Elaine
> On 3/24/08, jsx_consultant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   Pak Ontoeng udah kasih opini JANTAN terbuka.. salute to you...
> >
> > Kita tunggu apa EL berani ngasih opini JANTAN juga ???
> >
> > Embah pengen tahu apakah DIDALAM strong character EL, juga
> > ada KEBERANIAN untuk bicara secara JANTAN (= GAMBLANG dan JELAS)
> > tanpa pake: kode kodean lah, barrier lah...
> >
> >
> > --- In <>,
> > "oentoeng_qq"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > P. Rei...
> > >
> > > Katanya Elaine khan MARCH MADNESS, saya baru inget kl bulan MARET
> > > ini belon berakhir.
> > > Trus saya kok feeling ama ketawa EL itu agak aneh gitu...
> > > Saya perhatikan hari ini kok byk yg "rebutan jualan"...
> > > Kayaknya BIG TSUNAMI sudah dekat nih...
> > >
> > > Saya tunggu seminggu ini deh, semoga lekas datang biar JELAS
> > > sekalian.
> > > Ntar malem, moga2 di mimpi saya keluar tgl dan harinya KAPAN?
> > > Kayak nomer togel aja yah, hahaha....
> > > Kalau belon keluar paling lambat saya tunggu sampe awal bulan depan!
> > >
> > > Karena BIG TSUNAMI kalau keluar beneran target 2000 akan NYAMPE!
> > > careful ajalah!
> > >
> > > Good luck!
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In<>,
> > Rei <highwaystar91@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Maksudnya apa pak Oen?
> > > > Bingung nih kalo ngomongnya pake istilah2 begini yg hanya
> > > dimengerti beberapa pihak saja...ini milis kan isinya org2 biasa
> > > jadi jadikanlah kami juga bagian dari pertunjukan anda, jangan
> > > eksklusif buat pihak2 tertentu saja :D
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > oentoeng_qq <oentoeng_qq@> wrote:
> > > > Yang jelas Elaine akan menyelesaikan MARCH MADNESSnya
> > di
> > > > Kalau liat ketawanya yg kayak kuntilanak, mestinya penantian ini
> > > > nggak akan lama.
> > > >
> > > > Tunggu saja AKSInya...
> > > > MENTAL sudah tidak berdaya, tapi KAKI masih kuat berdiri khan?
> > > > Ya nggak El?
> > > > Hehehe....
> > > >
> > > > > ----- Pesan Asli ----
> > > > > Dari: Elaine <>
> > > > > Kepada: 
> > > > ><>
> > > > > Terkirim: Senin, 24 Maret, 2008 13:23:39
> > > > > Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Awas BULL TRAP!
> > > > >
> > > > > hihi no more free lunch.. you're on your own now. Don't be too
> > > > dependent to Elaine, use your own analysis... come on, you're
> > good
> > > > trader, right? How could you believe me more than your own
> > > > .
> > > > >
> > > > > Elaine
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ---------------------------------
> > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with
> > > Yahoo! Search.
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >

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