keknya TINS masih bisa lanjut nariknya (mudah2an ga salah)


--- In, "abdulrahim abdulrahim" <abdul.
> Saya juga melihat bahwa, meskiipun harga timah nanjak terus, TINS
> dalam waktu dekat akan turun. Bukan nakut2in. Cuma FA (feeling
> analysis) gw mbisiki gitu. Namanya juga feeling pemula, tentu
> kemungkinan salahnya besar :D... AKA ... Disc.
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 5:38 PM, Andi Wahyudi
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Bukan bermaksud menymapaikan bull atau bear
> > Per 1 APril ada yg kejar TINS..Mungkin ini ada hubungannya dengan 
> > timah. Harga timah 3 Months-delivery naik tajam di perdagangan 
> > Jan-Maret dan hasil transaksi 3 Months ini akan dideliver April-
Juni dan
> > dilaporkan di H1 2008.
> >
> > Sekali lagi saya hanya ingin menyampaikan, jadi mohon tidak 
> > sebagai ajakan apapun. Ga enak kl salah n dimarahin banyak orang. 
Member OB
> > galak2 sih :-)
> >
> > Pizz
> >
> >
> >
> > Sutomo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > $30.000 / Ton ...Wow...gurih nian :-)
> >
> >  --- tin berland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  > The base metal complex was indicated slightly higher
> >  > during London Metal Exchange premarket trade on
> >  > Wednesday, mostly on the back of a weaker dollar, a
> >  > trader with an LME ring dealer said. "Yesterday we
> >  > saw very small volumes, and today we are seeing a
> >  > similar thing. The market is probably up a little on
> >  > the weaker dollar," he said. The trader noted that
> >  > bellwether contract copper was stuck at
> >  > $8,350-8,650/mt in the short term, but if it climbed
> >  > higher and broke through $8,830/mt, a significant
> >  > resistance level, it was likely to trigger some
> >  > panic buying activity -- "people are still friendly
> >  > toward it". Copper was bid at $8,500/mt at 0855 GMT
> >  > up $70 from its previous floor trade close on
> >  > Tuesday. Tin was also higher on Wednesday morning,
> >  > gaining $200 to $21,200/mt. "Tin has been
> >  > fundamentally strong for a while now, there are
> >  > problems with concentrate supply, so the market
> >  > looks tight," the trader said, adding that the tin
> >  > industry would not be surprised to see it at
> >  > $30,000/mt.

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