ada baiknya memang ada 2 ato lebih info yang dijadiin referensi .. 
dibandingkan menelan mentah2 1 info saja yang belum tentu bagus..

sekedar mendukung FA-nya pak AA, tahun 2007 lalu ada yang pernah 
membahas cadangan timah di indoness tinggal 3-5 thn lagi, so 
kebetulan TINS setahu saya belum ada sumber eksplorasi timah baru, 
malah malah mo banting stir ke coal or emas tuh katanye..

jadi mo harga timah naik utk saat ini, bagi yang mo trading ya 
monggo, cuman utk long...aduuhhhh takutz deh kita..!!!

ciao! tetap sehat dan bersemangat..
note: kecuali nemu sumber eksplorasi emas baru yang bisa menyamai 
freeport dah contohnya, gw long jg mau...heheheeee...

--- In, "abdulrahim abdulrahim" 
> Saya juga melihat bahwa, meskiipun harga timah nanjak terus, TINS
> dalam waktu dekat akan turun. Bukan nakut2in. Cuma FA (feeling
> analysis) gw mbisiki gitu. Namanya juga feeling pemula, tentu
> kemungkinan salahnya besar :D... AKA ... Disc.
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 5:38 PM, Andi Wahyudi
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Bukan bermaksud menymapaikan bull atau bear
> > Per 1 APril ada yg kejar TINS..Mungkin ini ada hubungannya 
dengan harga
> > timah. Harga timah 3 Months-delivery naik tajam di perdagangan 
> > Jan-Maret dan hasil transaksi 3 Months ini akan dideliver April-
Juni dan
> > dilaporkan di H1 2008.
> >
> > Sekali lagi saya hanya ingin menyampaikan, jadi mohon tidak 
> > sebagai ajakan apapun. Ga enak kl salah n dimarahin banyak 
orang. Member OB
> > galak2 sih :-)
> >
> > Pizz
> >
> >
> >
> > Sutomo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > $30.000 / Ton ...Wow...gurih nian :-)
> >
> >  --- tin berland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  > The base metal complex was indicated slightly higher
> >  > during London Metal Exchange premarket trade on
> >  > Wednesday, mostly on the back of a weaker dollar, a
> >  > trader with an LME ring dealer said. "Yesterday we
> >  > saw very small volumes, and today we are seeing a
> >  > similar thing. The market is probably up a little on
> >  > the weaker dollar," he said. The trader noted that
> >  > bellwether contract copper was stuck at
> >  > $8,350-8,650/mt in the short term, but if it climbed
> >  > higher and broke through $8,830/mt, a significant
> >  > resistance level, it was likely to trigger some
> >  > panic buying activity -- "people are still friendly
> >  > toward it". Copper was bid at $8,500/mt at 0855 GMT
> >  > up $70 from its previous floor trade close on
> >  > Tuesday. Tin was also higher on Wednesday morning,
> >  > gaining $200 to $21,200/mt. "Tin has been
> >  > fundamentally strong for a while now, there are
> >  > problems with concentrate supply, so the market
> >  > looks tight," the trader said, adding that the tin
> >  > industry would not be surprised to see it at
> >  > $30,000/mt.

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