Santai Bro....Kayaknya BD utama udah keluar dari ANTM and INCO. Ada baiknya 
kita baca bareng2 di bawah ini:

troyan troyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             Jadi 
maksudnya kalau dilakukan SS itu karena industrinya udah sunset ? Baca2 lagi 
dong Pak.

--- On Sat, 4/26/08, Andi Wahyudi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Andi Wahyudi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] INCO Q1 2008 profit DOWN
Date: Saturday, April 26, 2008, 10:59 PM

Kalau nickel tidak sunset, kenapa INCO SS Pak? 

James Arifin  <james.arifin@> wrote:
 padahal reserve INCO masih lama habisnya kalau nickel sudah sunset
artinya industri manufacturing, LNG, etc sudah mulai menurun tapi kok
view saya kebalik yah. Ada yang salah kali

On 4/26/08, Andi Wahyudi  wrote:
> Q1 sih kmrn seperti itu Pak..tapi saya bukan God yang tahu semuanya...Kalau
> BD ngegoreng INCO ke atas ya repot he he..tapi yg jelas nickel memang sedang
> sunset
> Aman sih kita maen aja di sektor yang grup industrinya lagi nge-bul a.k.a
> baru bangun tidur n siap2 terbang.....
> Rei  wrote:
> Lalu apakah produsen2 besar nickel akan  mengikuti trend ini pak Andi? Kalo
> begini antm & inco bisa payah dong...
> Andi  Wahyudi  wrote:
> Bukan ajakan bukan himbauan.
> Maret 2008 Norilsk Nickel mengumumkan akan membelanjakan 105 juta USD untuk
> new nickel field di Siberia.
> Menurut laporan IISI, Austenitic stainles steel akan banyak digantikan oleh
> Ferritic stainless steel. Kandungan nickel di ferritic stainless steel lebih
> rendah dibanding austenitic stainless steel.
> http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Stainless_ steel
> Bukan cuma INCO LK Q1 2008 mengalami drop, nickel producer lainnya mengalami
> hal yang kurang lebih sama.
> http://www.bloomber news?pid= newsarchive&sid=avCNKlwNNdLY
> May God Bless Us Always
> Stainless steel production to grow further – but at a slower rate21 May 2007
> Kyoto - The  International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) expects that
> stainless crude steel production in 2007 will be  higher than the
> record-level of production in 2006, mostly driven by recovery from 2005 and
> some restocking. High raw material prices, especially for nickel, encourage
> ISSF to promote ferritic grades as an economic and effective solution for
> the main applications of stainless steel: a book "The Ferritic Solution" is
> now available.
> ISSF releases new publications21 May 2007 Kyoto - The International
> Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) has published three new brochures during its
> 11th Annual Conference in Kyoto, Japan. The brochures are:
> Book of New Applications 2007
> ISSF has published its second reference to new stainless steel applications.
> The Book of New Applications contains more than 60 applications from around
> the world. Sectors such as building  and construction, industrial machinery
> and transport are covered.
> The  Ferritic Solution: The essential guide to ferritic stainless steels
> Ferritic stainless steels share most of the mechanical and
> corrosion-resistanc e properties of their more expensive cousins, austenitic
> stainless steels. However, unlike the austenitics, ferritic stainless steels
> contain no nickel. This makes them a cost-effective alternative in many
> applications.
> The Ferritic Solution provides an overview of the properties of ferritic
> stainless steels, the advantages of using them and the applications where
> they can be used. The Ferritic Solution is a crucial reference document for
> stainless steel users, specifiers and producers.
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