wah! jangan mengkaitkan secara langsung SS dengan sunset dan bandar 
bos! itu mah CA aja, kalu anda kaitkan berarti bd-nya si korporasi 
tsb? wah bisa marah nih para komisaris dan direkturnya..hahaha...

ngawur ON!!!
ciao! tetap sehat dan bersemangat..
note: hueeyyy! komisaris + direktuuurr...ternyata elu2 ini toh 
bandarnya....???? bwa hahaha....!!

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Andi Wahyudi 
> Industri sunset -> BD ingin keluar -> BD butuh pembeli -> Makanya 
diSS -> Supaya banyak yg ambil
> troyan troyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             
Siapa yang gak santai bro ? Aneh aja anda mengkaitkan SS dengan 
industri yang sunset. Dan soal bandar dah keluar kata Anda dari INCO 
dan ANTM itu soal lain lagi yang bukan bagian dari analisa Anda 
sebelumnya. Dan ini bisa dipermasalahkan lagi. Jadi hati2 aja bro 
memberii statement kalo anda gak ngerti benar masalahnya.
> --- On Sun, 4/27/08, Andi Wahyudi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Andi Wahyudi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] INCO Q1 2008 profit DOWN
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Sunday, April 27, 2008, 7:26 PM
> Minggu lalu ada yg bilang ANTM akan breakout? Breakout w/o volume? 
We can proove now apakah tulisan minggu lalu bener apa tidak.
> http://finance. groups.yahoo. com/group/ obrolan-bandar/ 
> No offense, saya tidak pernah memegang INCO dan ANTM sejak Juli 
> Andi Wahyudi <andi_wahyudi2000@ yahoo.com> wrote:
> Santai Bro....Kayaknya BD utama udah keluar dari ANTM and INCO. Ada 
baiknya kita baca bareng2 di bawah ini:
> http://www.xstrata. 
com/annualreport /2007/page38http://findarticles .com/p/articles/ 
mi_pwwi/is_ /ai_n19195805
> http://www.purchasi  ng.com/article/ CA6458516. html
> http://www.hatch. ca/Consulting/ Knowledge_ Base/Articles/ 
European% 20Stainless% 20Steel.pdf
> troyan troyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:Jadi maksudnya kalau 
dilakukan SS itu karena industrinya udah sunset ? Baca2 lagi dong Pak.
> --- On Sat, 4/26/08, Andi Wahyudi  <andi_wahyudi2000@ yahoo.com> 
> From: Andi Wahyudi <andi_wahyudi2000@ yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] INCO Q1 2008 profit DOWN
> To:  obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
> Date: Saturday, April 26, 2008, 10:59 PM
> Kalau nickel tidak sunset, kenapa INCO SS Pak? 
> James Arifin  <james.arifin@ gmail.com> wrote:
>  padahal reserve INCO masih lama  habisnya kalau nickel sudah sunset
> artinya industri manufacturing, LNG, etc sudah mulai menurun tapi 
> view saya kebalik yah. Ada yang salah kali
> On 4/26/08, Andi Wahyudi  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Q1 sih kmrn seperti itu Pak..tapi saya bukan God yang tahu  
> > BD ngegoreng INCO ke atas ya repot he he..tapi yg jelas nickel 
memang sedang
> > sunset
> >
> > Aman sih kita maen aja di sektor yang grup industrinya lagi nge-
bul  a.k.a
> > baru bangun tidur n siap2 terbang.....
> >
> >
> > Rei  wrote:
> >
> >
> > Lalu apakah produsen2 besar nickel akan  mengikuti trend ini pak 
Andi? Kalo
> > begini antm & inco bisa payah dong...
> >
> > Andi  Wahyudi  wrote:
> >
> >
> > Bukan ajakan bukan himbauan.
> >
> > Maret 2008 Norilsk Nickel mengumumkan akan membelanjakan 105 juta 
USD untuk
> > new nickel field di Siberia.
> >
> >  Menurut laporan IISI, Austenitic stainles steel akan banyak 
digantikan oleh
> > Ferritic stainless steel. Kandungan nickel di ferritic stainless 
steel lebih
> > rendah dibanding austenitic stainless steel.
> > http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Stainless_ steel
> >
> > Bukan cuma INCO LK Q1  2008 mengalami drop, nickel producer 
lainnya mengalami
> > hal yang kurang lebih sama.
> > http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid=  
> >
> > May God Bless Us Always
> >
> > Stainless steel production to grow further – but at a 
slower rate21 May 2007
> > Kyoto - The  International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) expects 
> > stainless crude steel production in 2007 will be  higher than the
> > record-level of production in 2006, mostly driven by recovery 
from 2005 and
> > some restocking. High raw material prices, especially for nickel, 
> > ISSF to promote ferritic grades as an  economic and effective 
solution for
> > the main applications of stainless steel: a book "The Ferritic 
Solution" is
> > now available.
> >
> >
> >
> > ISSF releases new publications21 May 2007 Kyoto - The 
> > Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) has published three new  brochures 
during its
> > 11th Annual Conference in Kyoto, Japan. The brochures are:
> > Book of New Applications  2007
> > ISSF has published its second reference to new stainless steel 
> > The Book of New Applications contains more than 60 applications 
from around
> > the world. Sectors such as building  and construction, industrial 
> > and transport are covered.
> > The  Ferritic Solution: The essential guide to ferritic stainless 
> > Ferritic stainless steels share most of the mechanical and
> > corrosion-resistanc e properties of their more expensive cousins, 
> > stainless steels. However,  unlike the austenitics, ferritic 
stainless steels
> > contain no nickel. This makes them a cost-effective alternative 
in many
> > applications.
> > The Ferritic Solution provides an overview of the properties of 
> > stainless steels, the advantages of using them and the  
applications where
> > they can be used. The Ferritic Solution is a crucial reference 
document  for
> > stainless steel users, specifiers and producers.
> >
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> >
> >
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