itu yg saya takutkan dalam 1-2 minggu kedepan, bukan index mo ke 2000, tapi
kerusuhan sosial karena masyarakat udah banyak yg prustasi dng semua
kenaikan harga barang, padahal BBM belum naik, ngak bisa kebayang dech kalo
BBM naik nantinya, harga2 makin melangit...;(

tanggal 6 may lalu analisa HSBC mengatakan oil bakal ke $125, pada ditanggal
tsb harga oil masih di $120. ternyata analisa tsb tepat banget malah
sekarang udah $126.

sekitar desember 07 lalu, HSBC prediksi the fed bakal nurunin suku bunga
hingga 2%-an, padahal waktu analisa tsb direlease, suku bunga the fed masih
dikisaran 4% (agak lupa tepatnya). dan sekarang terbukti.

jumat kemaren (9 may 08), HSBC release analisa bahwa oil akan ke $200 dalam
1-2 tahun kedepan. oh my god, moga2 aja analisa HSBC ini akan salah.

oiya, denger2 senin depan bakal ada demo besar... moga2 semua berjalan baik2
aja. weleh weleh.. gagal dech mo jadi longterm investor....


On 5/10/08, Vincent Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   u sure el? even when oil hit$150-170? and probably riots in indo?
> *Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
>  *Dearest Investors..
> Despite all the bad news that have been floating around lately, I will
> proudly say WELCOME BULL.  you wanna cut loss on Monday? LOOOLLL give me all
> of them, and you will surely regret it for the rest of your life.
> Banks, property, commodities and telecomms are ready to ride my bull
> warriors.
> You asked about my neutrality? Well, I will say I AM NOT AND NEVER BE
> NEUTRAL. I go bearish when it's near top, and bullish when it's near bottom.
> I am not trader, I set target. And my target is +1000 rally. (so far only
> 10% or around +100, but it's running well, hey I like it nice and slow :).
> The volatility is still and always be there, so it really depends on your
> investment style. Are you BOW type investors? Buy high sell higher? Signal
> watchers? Macro/sectoral analyzer?
> Or are you a buy lowest sell highest type investor like me? ^^
> Elaine**
> *
>  ------------------------------
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