*Mad? Chart kamu terbalik, dear.^^ April Massacre = March 31st to April 9th,
IDX plunged -12%. And you forgot the March Madness (vs Fred). I know it
didn't reach 2000, but roughly -600 points of death since late February is
something I'm PROUD OF. Why?

Why not ? .^_^ .

So, you did it in reverse, well that means you bought at 2750 and sold at
2180. lol.. you gotta be kidding me.. come on masa bandar seperti itu? even
a junior one..

Finacial market is not about good or evil. It's all about MONEY. Do you like
money? No? lol ok then. Make it this way, from now on anyone who doesn't
like my post can mark my email as JUNK (like I did to some). Very simple and
easy. Oh, one more thing. Elaine tidak perlu di bela, even all OB members
are against me, cuz I know.. I always win. Mau ikut atau tidak that's really
not my business. **Lucu Elaine bilang Bearish and Bullish tetap ada yang
protest...hahahaha... mungkin stressed tidak bisa get rich quick.

I guess I can't make everybody happy..

To make myself not so provocative, I think I will stop saying "buy" or stuff
like that, cuz I think it's enough.** Now Elaine mau makan Roasted Duck with
my man TBummers. I miss him ^_^

Fyi I don't do 2nd liners, so you may want to ask Oentoeng, he got his hands
full of em ^^.

Pemain kakap.. itu apa artinya @_@ kakap is a fish? If it means big player,
then most big players have more time available than retail traders, cuz they
don't watch every single price movement as they already know where the price
are moving to.

2008/5/12 Bandar Junior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>  Kalau saya amati secara seksama dan dalam waktu yang cukup lama sih
> omongan2 si el ni emang benar kok, tapi harus di puter 180 derajat alias
> dibalik
> Ingat seperti gembar gembornya waktu April Massacre? buktinya?
> Pake logika aja, ga mungkin lah ada orang yang sebaik itu, mau bocorin
> info yg kategory FOR UR EYES ONLY sama khalayak yang bukan siapa2nya dia,
> kalau dia kasih info jujur emangnya dia ga di pecatin ama bosnya? (walaupun
> dia bisa ngeles bilang kalau ritel kyk kita2 ini bukan makanan dia, tapi
> sekali lagi, telaah aja sendiri semua postingan2nya el, anda akan tahu
> apakah dia jujur atau tidak)
> Thanks to el, karena info2nya saya dapet banyak cuan, secara saya balik
> semua postingan dia.
> Jadi ingat, kalau el bullsih itu berarti bearish, kalau el bearish berarti
> bullish
> Meminjam istilahnya pak Gus Dur, gitu aja kok repot, repot aja kok gitu?
> Sorry ya el, dont be mad with me ya, cozz i still love u
> Salam Sayang,
> Bandar Junior
> ------------------------------
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