SIPD tampaknya sehat dengan harga sekarang dibawah book value dan rasio
utang positif(DER<1),cuma pertanyaan besar mengapa emiten ini masih tidur?!

Note:Atachment bentuk htm coba buka pake IE atau MS word
On 8/6/08, Albert Einstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lap H108 SIPD laba bersih naik 150% dibanding 1H07
> Laba H108 bahkan lebih tinggi daripada FY07
> Laba H108 = 33 M
> Laba FY07 = 21 M
> PER 2007 = 14X
> kita asumsikan laba FY08 = 2 X laba H108, maka :
> Laba FY08 = 66 M
> berarti ada kenaikan 200%
> jadi PER 2008 = 4,6X
> Get the picture?
> Kenaikan laba bersih ini dikarenakan unit usaha SIPD yg bergerak dalam
> bidang pengeringan jagung di Lampung mulai diaktifkan kembali sejak 2005,
> jadi akan memperbaiki kinerja perusahaan secara over all karena jagung
> kering merupakan komponen pokok dalam pakan ayam.
> Lagian, coba deh jalan2 dan survei ke KFC, McD, CFC, Texas, dan restoran2
> lain, apa makanan favorit para pengunjung?
> Be an investor, jangan lihat pergerakan harga jangka pendek, lihat prospek
> jangka panjang perusahaan.
> For me, saham ini akan masuk kriteria Buffet sometimes in the future
> Ayam bebas kolesterol dan berprotein tinggi
> Nyam..... Nyam..... Nyam....
> Sudahkah anda makan AYAM hari ini?
> --- On *Wed, 8/6/08, hendrik_lwww <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> From: hendrik_lwww <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Bu Elleine, Pak Henri SIPD gimana ya - Re: The
> Secret to Analyzing Volume
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 2:01 AM
> --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com <>,
> "Primatiana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Bu, pak mau nanya newbie ini.
> > Nasib SIPD gimana, saya beli sipd 500 lot di 80 udah lama, krn percaya
> > ama bicaranya broker, persh ini keliatannya baik dan industri
> > menyangkut makanan yg ga abis absinya kudunya. tapi koq sahamnya diem
> > kaya ayam kena flu burung?
> > Boleh tanya apa mau di krek ke 150 ini kapan?
> > Satu lagi saya punya saham clpi juga maunya koq bobo terus ajah.
> > Tolong ya om dan tante bandar yang lain id gerakin ya saham ini, butuh
> > duit buat uang sekolah
> >
> > > SIPD 150, BUMI 20.000
> > > mana leboh cepat ya???
> > >
> >
> kita lihat Q2 ama Q3 SIPD aja...
> genger2 sih (ini dnger2 juga) Amrik kan waktu itu banjir
> jadi ada kelangkaan bibit ayam. nah SIPD ini siap salurin...
> btw, jangan percaya,, sebelum Q2 n Q3 nanti keluar
> kalau saya punya 1000 lot pak di 50,he3...
Title: RTI: Emitent Profile
Business Summary
With four subsidiaries operating in the same line of business, the company has developed into an integrated chicken enterprise with operation ranging from commercial chicken farming to fastfood restaurant. The four subsidiaries are all majority owned by the company. Sierad Feedmil, which is 99.99% owned by the company, operates a feedmill in Balaraja,West Java, Dwioa Mina, 99% owned, produces fish flour for raw material in feedmill operations, Sierad Biotek, in which the company holds a 98% stake, produces veterinary medicenes, and Sierad Pangan, 99% owned, operates a fast food chain. Sierad Pangan in turn owns several subsidiaries operating fast food chains in Indonesia and Coyden Food Asia Pte Ltd in Singapore. The Sierad Group supplies chicken to the Wendy chain,Kentucky Fried Chicken, california Fried Chicken, and Arby. In 1997, the company sold 11.859 tons of live chicken, 4,313 tons of processedchicken, and 361,040 tons of chicken feed. The Siread Group also operates a commercial farm in Cikanjun,Sukabumi, producing 20 thousand day old chickens (DOCs) per annum. Marketing and distribution of Siread Group products are handled by Siread Corporation, also a memeber of the group. On February 22,1998 the warehouse owned by PT Siread Feedmill, a subsidiary of the company, was razed by fire. The burned warehouse had a measurement of 1,500 square meters and was located on a land of 6 hectares in Balaraja,Tangerang.
The Company was still booked a net loss in 2005 worth IDR122.479 billion or falling around 20.6% versus the 2004 net loss which reaches IDR154.346 billion. The lower net loss was due to decrease in other expenses from IDR117.772 billion to IDR33.756 billion. The sales reached IDR1.425 trillion in 2005, rising by 5.32% from IDR1.353 trillion in 2004, but the operating loss stepped up to IDR84.864 billion from IDR69.058 billion because of increase in the operating expense.

Head Office Address
Jl. Kemang Raya No. 67
Jakarta 12730
Phone:(62-21) 719-3888
Fax:(62-21) 719-3889, 719-3789

Commisioner and Board of Directors ( Per 26 Jun 2008 )
Komisaris Utama:Antonius Joenoes Supit
Komisaris:FX. Awi Tantra
Sri Lestari Anwar
Komisaris Independen:Antonius Joenoes Supit
Dr. Djohan Effendi
Direktur Utama:Budiardjo Tek
Wakil Direktur Utama:Rodolfo Paquia Pantoja
Direktur:Erik Harimurti Surono
Ny. Helena Megawati Wardoyo
Sri Sumiyarsi
Price Performance
PeriodReturn (%)vs
4 weeks0.0 %-4.1 %-5.72 %
13 weeks0.0 %-8.47 %-12.05 %
26 weeks-9.09 %-16.6 %-19.61 %
52 weeks-39.76 %-3.86 %-3.98 %
YTD-25.37 %-19.98 %-24.16 %

Financial Ratios
Most Recent Fiscal Quarter : 30 Jun 2008
Sales:1.09 TPER:7.14
Net Profit:33.25 BEPS:7
Asset:1.4 TBV:111
Liability:359.81 BPBV:0.45
Equity:1.04 TNAVS:149
I. Shares:9.39 BDER:0.35
Mkt. Cap:469.56 BROE(%)*:6.4
* AnnualisedNPM(%)*:3.05

Stock Trading Analysis
Trading Period : 28/07/2008 - 01/08/2008
Top 5 Brokers that Bought the most shares
LG34.8 M034.8 M
CP21.0 M021.0 M
ID21.0 M021.0 M
OD21.0 M021.0 M
AT20.0 M020.0 M
Top 5 Brokers that Sold the most shares
YJ045.2 M-45.1 M
PD1.0 M36.8 M-35.7 M
GR025.0 M-25.0 M
DM012.5 M-12.5 M
IP08.4 M-8.4 M

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