Akhir cerita nya:
- Suku bunga akan dinaikan juga kalo intervensi gagal, akhirnya
   balik lagi ke resep dr IMF.
- Management moneter yg tebak tebak ngarepin minyal turun,
   akhirnya meledak hari ini sesudah terjadi OUTFLOW yg
   berlarut larut. Padahal minyak udah turun hari ini. Lagi
   gambling nebak harga minyak, tebakannya bener tapi
   timingnya salah...hehehe...

Orang bilang Gubernur Bank Sentral itu musti KEJAM, orang
yang rela menaikan suku bunga dengan korban RAKYAT BANYAK
agar ekonomi negara terhindar dari krisis moneter yg akhirnya
bisa menjadi krisis ekonomi.

Presiden Amerika sangat takut ama Gubernur bank sentral (FED)
karena kalo FED naikan suku bunga, presiden tentunya berat
mencapai target ekonomi selama peemerintahannya.

Beberapa hari ini index Kospi turun -6% dan Won depreciate -4%
yang menimbulkan kepanikan. Sebenarnya penurunannya sudah
berjalan lama secara pelan pelan...


Jadi outflow dulu secara berlarut larut lalu panik....

Apakah di Indonesia sudah outflow berlarut larut ?.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "sylar_fang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ... mungkin ini sedikit bisa menjawab keingitahuan mbah mengenai won
> yg melemah trus .... sebenarna sich hasil research na panjang
> lebar ... tapi ane cut aja biar gak capek baca na ....
> South Korea: Down But Not Out
> The sluggish performance of the KOSPI Index in 2008 has largely been
> due to the weakening Korean won. However, the South Korean market
> remains an attractive prospect, as Eddy Wong explains.
> ...........
> Will There Be A Rate Hike?
> At the June 2008 meeting, the Bank of Korea kept interest rates at
> 5%, the highest level in 7 years. The governor said that their rate
> policy is always open for a rate cut or hike, as it is reviewed
> every month, taking into account the economy and inflation. In
> addition, he also mentioned that inflation may return to normal
> levels after it is absorbed in the economy. Although the risk of
> inflation seems to be greater than the downside risks to growth, the
> Bank of Korea appears determined not to hike benchmark interest
> rates to control inflation. In fact, they are hoping lower oil
> prices would reduce inflationary pressures.
> Since inflation is driven by high oil prices, a stronger currency
> can actually help to curb inflationary pressures. However, a current
> account deficit has placed pressure on the Korean won. Currency
> depreciation is normally the consequence of a deficit. In fact, the
> Korean won has depreciated 8.1% and 12.8% against the USD and SGD
> respectively. Besides the current account deficit, a huge foreign
> investment outflow also led to a weakening of the Korean won. On a
> year-to-date basis as at 22 July, there has been a US$25 billion net
> outflow of foreign investment monies from the Korean equities
> market. It means that a lot of foreign investors are selling their
> Korean assets, hence the steep depreciation seen in the Korean won.
> Since a stronger Korean won can help to lower the import bills and
> hence, imported inflation, the central bank is giving hints that it
> may take action in the exchange market in order to "stabilise" the
> Korean won. According to the Finance Ministry's International
> Finance Bureau, the government would like to take continuous steps
> to stabilise the won, which implies that the government may
> intervene in currency markets by selling foreign currencies to
> support the Korean won. In fact, the government intervened to boost
> the Korean won in the second week of July 2008. The Korean won
> appreciated 5% against the US dollar and was trading at 1000.5 won
> against US$1 on 11 July 2008. However, if the Korean won continues
> to depreciate even after the intervention by the central bank in the
> currency markets, a rate hike would be probable.
> :)
> --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "jsx_consultant" <jsx-
> consultant@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "conx_2003" <conx_2003@>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Mbah, tumben hari ini banyak posting, ada apa yah?
> > >
> > > pertanda alam apakah ini? ehehhehehehe :P
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Banyak posting karena ada 'alert' yg mau disampaikam...
> >
> > Kalo soal minyak, ini udah dibahas ama semua orang, jadi semua
> > member disini SUDAH tahu risk and reward maen saham Commodity.
> > Jadi untung dan rugi sudah merupakan keputusan masing2.
> >
> > Tapi kalo soal WON ini sepertinya BELUM dibahas, jadi embah
> > berusaha menyampaikan adanya krisis moneter yg terjadi di
> > Korea. Penyebab krisis ini embah belum tahu. Penurunan WON
> > karena kenaikan USD adalah wajar, tapi penurunan WON yg
> > luar biasa dan kepanikan pasar sudah mirip krisis moneter.
> >
> > Dulu krisis Thailand (Bath) menyebar kenegara lain termasuk
> > Indonesia. Jadi ada baiknya embah beritahu untuk
> > berjaga-jaga.
> >
> > Dulu kan Thailand diserang si Soros, lalu krisisnya
> > merembet ke Indonesia karena Indonesia terlalu banyak
> > utang luar negrinya.
> >
> > Ada yg tahu kenapa Korea terkena krisis moneter ?.
> >

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