*I gain +2,000, the lenders gain +1000. Practically I needs lots of effort
to do this. Tanya Oentoeng punya stock 10,000 bisa create volume more than
10 folds.*

El, boleh tanya yah..
Jadi kan lenders gain +1000, tapi kalau skrg harga tetap bertahan di 70
berarti mereka somehow rugi donk (di kertas).. Kenapa mereka gak ikut jualan
saja pas di 100?
Inti dari *revese repurchase agreement , *harga akan balik ke 100 suatu
saat? Right?

> An expert with a stone can still beat a novice with a shuriken,
> nevertheless, an expert with a stone can not beat 100 novices with 100
> shurikens...

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