isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi harga
oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham juga,
cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see. 


--- In, Kabu Nusi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee
> Texas Coast     
>        Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
> west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike will
> be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
> before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late today
> or early tomorrow.     
>        The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
> four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.     
>        The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
> strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
> winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
> forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
> second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
> winds from 131 to 155 mph.     
>        Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
> center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
> extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.     
>        Larger Than Katrina     
>        Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
> storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
> director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather Underground
> Inc.     
>        ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
> so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
> Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
> matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
> coast.''     
>        President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
> his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members are
> on standby.     
>        Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
> biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
> metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
> sixth-largest in the U.S.     
>        ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
> scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
> homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
> ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
> storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
> and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.''     
>        Refining Capacity     
>        About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
> before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
> percent of U.S. oil production.     
>        The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
> percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
> said yesterday.     
>        Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4
> percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
> It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are up
> 28 percent from a year ago.     
> --- On Fri, 9/12/08, kangduren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: kangduren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
> To:
> Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28 AM
> salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 semakin
> keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst case di
> 1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak bisa
> dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara pamit
> trading juga udah cape.
> salam
> --- In, "jsx_consultant"
> <jsx-consultant@> wrote:
> >
> > Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
> > 
> > 
> > Mudah mudah minyak menyusul rebound malam ini
> >
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