cuma emang harga timah unik banget. di saat komoditas koreksi tajam, harga
timah lumayan stabil.


Mungkin penjelasannya ini bror, mengapa harga timah lebih stabil.


Tin, like copper, was one of the first metals mined and its excellent
qualities and shiny finish made it a highly sought after commodity.
Particularly liked for its fusion abilities in the making of alloys, notably
bronze, and its non-toxic qualities, tin was soon traded in many parts of
the world. Not surprisingly, it was traded on the LME from the market's
outset in 1877. Today it is still used in the production of bronze, pewter
and die-casting alloys and, in modern engineering, to make tungsten more
machineable. However, the largest uses for tin are for the production of
solders and for tin plating (providing an attractive coating to iron and
steel products)





From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Vic
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 9:51 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: TINS: It is FUNDAMENTAL, stupid !!!!


sebetulnya bukan cuma tins. saham2 komoditas lain juga anjloknya
kelewatan, lebih dalam dari fundamentalnya (antm, inco). tadi di morning
session lme 3 month tin anjlok - 950,
tapi sekarang balik lagi cuma - 450.

mungkin perlu back to fundamental. om jsx consultant harus sering2
posting rare opportunity macam tins ini. ada yg lain selain tins?

--- In
<> , "jsx_consultant"
> TINS Investor Call: It is FUNDAMENTAL, stupid !!!
> Hari ini TINS diturunin -18,3%, Thanks Sinterklas....
> Bedah TINS (H1/2008)
> - PRICE = 1250 (15/9/08)
> - ROE = 62% (Laba bersih = 62% x Modal sendiri)
> - ROA = 32% (Laba bersih = 32% x Total Asset)
> - EPS = 221/6 bln (442 setahun)
> - Deviden = 300 (25% dari harga TINS hari ini)
> - PER = 2,83 (Harga TINS = 2,83 X Laba bersih)
> - COP = 1,63 (Harga TINS = 1,63 X Laba operasi)
> - Net profit growth = 52%
> Ini saham SUDAH UNDERVALUE banget, kumpulin PELAN PELAN
> karena masih ada kemungkin SERANGAN LANJUTAN...
> VALUE STOCK seperti INI, kejadiannya hanya terjadi 5 ampe 10
> tahun sekali. Daripada bikin usaha sendiri dijaman susah
> begini, mending jadi Investor TINS dengan:
> - Target keuntungan minimal 100% setahun.
> Note:
> Bukan untuk Trading, hanya untuk INVEST karena IHSG masih
> cenderung TURUN...




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