kok dari kemarin2 kalu ga asing..aseng yang diobrolin, se-kali2 
ngelirik ke negri aladin kek sana..emang orang sana makan pasir doank 
gitu? kan banyak raja minyak, duitnya se-abrek2, denger2 dubai ampe 
punya duit 1000triliun (rupiah apa dolar yee..? hehehe..)

ciao! salam cuan selalu..

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "Kusni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Cina mengalami depresi? Sebagai negara yang ekonominya berbasis
> manufaktur, kalau konsumennya jatuh miskin pasti ikutan jatuh 
> bahkan lebih bangkrut daripada konsumennya. Masih ingat bagaimana 
> industri berbasis ekspor ketika krismon 1997 melanda?
> Jika Cina jatuh miskin, jelas Indonesia kena imbas dengan telak.
> Komoditi yang sudah jatuh harganya bisa lebih jatuh lagi, sedangkan
> barang buatan Cina jadi semakin murah lagi, menekan barang produksi
> dalam negeri. Demikian juga industri yang tujuan ekspornya Cina, 
> macet total.  Yang bakal bertahan cuma industri berbasis konsumen 
> negeri, itupun cuma sebatas survival.
> Yang sampai sekarang masih jadi pertanyaan : cadangan devisa Cina 
> hampir 2 trilyun dollar itu ditempatkan pada instrumen investasi 
> Belum ada informasi soal dimana 2T dollar itu ditempatkan dan dalam
> bentuk apa.
> Ngeri...??? Let's hope it's not gonna be happen.
> --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "Embah" <jsx-consultant@>
> wrote:
> >
> > From Elaine:
> >
> > Comment please ?
> >   ----- Original Message -----
> >   From: Elaine Sui
> >   Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 7:39 PM
> >   Subject: the next event would be China
> >
> >
> >   Dear all,
> >
> >   I have to warn that the next event would be China. This event 
> bigger impact to everyone, cuz China and Indonesia are both 
> and emerging countries. We're about to see that China is NOT
> invincible/decoupling and it's gonna be a real shocker. No official
> news, yet, so just sit tight and watch ^_^ Nobody can bail out the
> market except the market itself.
> >
> >   Chinese depression? That's even scarier. Looking at the Shanghai
> Index you may think it's near its bottom. No, it's not. Please be 
> very cautious, cuz this' gonna be the thing in 2009. Please tell our
> friends in the group if you want to. See what they think of this. As
> usual there will be ignorant jerks over there who always go against 
> lol. Let them be. Send my regard to all my friends there.
> >
> >
> >   Elaine
> >   ps: sorry, your email is the only one I have right now. About 
> well, it's still a loooooong way to go until we see another REAL 
> market, maybe until next 2-3 years from now, but I hope it's not 
> be that bad.
> >

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