oohh begitu... jadi dah dari dulu Mbak Aime bilang indeks mau turun
tujuannya baik untuk memperingatkan, kitanya aja yang bego gak
ngikutin, hiks..

Nah sekarang udah turun, dibilang mau turun lagi kah?? tapi gimana mau
jualnya Mbak kalau AR kiri semua??

Jadi sekarang tujuannya apaan neh??

salam bingung..

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "JOSH LIM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> seru nih ....si Aime udah ngerasa ngeri2 sedap x ya skr jd keep
> posting deh dia ...hhehhehe
> yg beli sebaiknya NYICIL saja bahasa kerennya pake MONEY MANAGEMENT...
> hormati AIME yg sudah memperingatkan sejak kmr2 bahwa index mau turun
> dalem
> ini ada pendapat analis dr danareksa... dr milis sebelah .... mdh2an
> salam
> On 10/27/08, Ratu Sima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > To continue my last week's sentence:
> > "And when it fails..."
> >
> > PLAIN.
> >
> > Please never be diillusioned with 'soon rebound'.
> > This Thursday & Friday is CRITICAL COORDINATE.
> >
> > As THEIR GDP is downstairing... (and the momentum)
> > Redundancy is soaring...
> > Bankruptcy is piling...
> > Bank & financial industry is 'on death-row pardon'...
> > Yet it's still reloaded with China & Japan's incubation as dollar is
> > cripping up.
> >
> > The 'Invincible Maestro' has been in the market. HE has quadrippled
> > himself into HIGH-END GAME SUCKERS (via HF & SS notoriously). Simply
> > prove it through how Rp is slowly depreciating slowly and
> > pricelessly... Then learn the history of 98.
> >
> > Sweet whispers on Indo economic defense strength, 'No Worry Nina
> > Bobo', BB, 4T Guarantee, so on & so forth is NULL. When they can't
> > even save their own value stocks, how could they dream of saving
> > their people's (read: retailers) stocks? Look at the Death Rows
> > (34)...
> >
> > And the gut instinct to save via BB? Totally 0.
> >
> > NOT YET ANY green clue at present.
> >
> > Om Tante Eyang, esp. Embah for your lovely question:
> > To us, < 1000 is NOT PREDICTION. It's CONVICTION.
> > WB is history, NOT EVEN both Obama & his rival are figuring out of
> > him as Finance Minister. Too LATE.
> >
> > Current players are much sharper than even Scottish Swords.
> >
> > Please save our soul.
> >
> > I am Aimee. NO DISCLAIMER!
> >
> >
> >

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