kalo pinter ga perlulah cuap2 setahun suruh org cutloss.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "icchanks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> oohh begitu... jadi dah dari dulu Mbak Aime bilang indeks mau turun
> tujuannya baik untuk memperingatkan, kitanya aja yang bego gak
> ngikutin, hiks..
> Nah sekarang udah turun, dibilang mau turun lagi kah?? tapi gimana mau
> jualnya Mbak kalau AR kiri semua??
> Jadi sekarang tujuannya apaan neh??
> salam bingung..
> --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "JOSH LIM" <josh.lim18@> wrote:
> >
> > seru nih ....si Aime udah ngerasa ngeri2 sedap x ya skr jd keep
> > posting deh dia ...hhehhehe
> > 
> > yg beli sebaiknya NYICIL saja bahasa kerennya pake MONEY MANAGEMENT...
> > hormati AIME yg sudah memperingatkan sejak kmr2 bahwa index mau turun
> > dalem
> > 
> > ini ada pendapat analis dr danareksa... dr milis sebelah .... mdh2an
> bermanfaat
> > 
> > salam
> > 
> > 
> > On 10/27/08, Ratu Sima <RATUSIMA@> wrote:
> > > To continue my last week's sentence:
> > > "And when it fails..."
> > >
> > > PLAIN.
> > >
> > > Please never be diillusioned with 'soon rebound'.
> > > This Thursday & Friday is CRITICAL COORDINATE.
> > >
> > > As THEIR GDP is downstairing... (and the momentum)
> > > Redundancy is soaring...
> > > Bankruptcy is piling...
> > > Bank & financial industry is 'on death-row pardon'...
> > > Yet it's still reloaded with China & Japan's incubation as dollar is
> > > cripping up.
> > >
> > > The 'Invincible Maestro' has been in the market. HE has quadrippled
> > > himself into HIGH-END GAME SUCKERS (via HF & SS notoriously). Simply
> > > prove it through how Rp is slowly depreciating slowly and
> > > pricelessly... Then learn the history of 98.
> > >
> > > Sweet whispers on Indo economic defense strength, 'No Worry Nina
> > > Bobo', BB, 4T Guarantee, so on & so forth is NULL. When they can't
> > > even save their own value stocks, how could they dream of saving
> > > their people's (read: retailers) stocks? Look at the Death Rows
> > > (34)...
> > >
> > > And the gut instinct to save via BB? Totally 0.
> > >
> > > NOT YET ANY green clue at present.
> > >
> > > Om Tante Eyang, esp. Embah for your lovely question:
> > > To us, < 1000 is NOT PREDICTION. It's CONVICTION.
> > > WB is history, NOT EVEN both Obama & his rival are figuring out of
> > > him as Finance Minister. Too LATE.
> > >
> > > Current players are much sharper than even Scottish Swords.
> > >
> > > Please save our soul.
> > >
> > > I am Aimee. NO DISCLAIMER!
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

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