Hi Adam,

It’s a updated Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS, previous it was Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

Best regards 

Am 20.02.2023 um 18:23 schrieb Adam Armstrong via observium <observium@lists.observium.org>:

 What is this installed on? It doesn't seem to have PEAR installed.


Alisha Manuela Stutz via observium wrote on 20/02/2023 17:15:
Hi to all,

I am currently trying to integrate a "Nokia 1830 PSS" device in our lab, but unfortunately the discovery process always stops with an error that I cannot currently decode. I have attached the complete discovery including the crash and hope someone can help me solve the problem.

sysadmin@observiumtest:/opt/observium$ /opt/observium/discovery.php -h all

  ___   _                              _
 / _ \ | |__   ___   ___  _ __ __   __(_) _   _  _ __ ___
| | | || '_ \ / __| / _ \| '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \
| |_| || |_) |\__ \|  __/| |    \ V / | || |_| || | | | | |
 \___/ |_.__/ |___/ \___||_|     \_/  |_| \__,_||_| |_| |_|
                     Observium Community Edition 23.1.12493

-- Database is up to date.
#####  Starting discovery run at 2023-02-20 17:05:39  #####

#####  vade-wag-b1 [130]  #####

| OID         |                                |
| sysDescr    | Nokia 1830 PSS v14.0.2 SDH ADM |
| sysObjectID | .      |

 o OS Type              generic
 o OS Group             unix
 o SNMP Version         v3
 o Last discovery
 o Last duration         seconds

#####  Module Start: os  #####

 o Duration             0.0002s

#####  Module Start: mibs  #####

 o MIBs discovered      <empty>
 o Duration             1.0324s

#####  Module Start: vrf  #####

 o Duration             0.0014s

#####  Module Start: ports  #####

 o Caching OIDs         ifDescr ifAlias ifName ifType ifOperStatus
 o Caching DB           163 ports
 o Discovering ports    ...................................................................................................................................................................
| ifIndex   | ifDescr                 | ifName      | ifAlias | ifType           | Oper Status | Ignored |
| 16843008  | Local Ethernet Port     | 1/1/CIT     | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | down        | no      |
| 16843264  | AUX Port                | 1/1/AUX     | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | down        | no      |
| 16843520  | ES1 Port                | 1/1/ES1     | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | down        | no      |
| 16843776  | ES2 Port                | 1/1/ES2     | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | down        | no      |
| 16908544  | AHPLG Signal Port       | 1/2/SIG     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 16909056  | AHPLG DCM Port          | 1/2/DCM     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 16909312  | AHPLG Line Port         | 1/2/LINE    | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 16909568  | AHPLG OSC Port          | 1/2/OSC     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 16909824  | AHPLG CustLan Port      | 1/2/CUSTLAN | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 16974080  | AHPHG Signal Port       | 1/3/SIG     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 16974592  | AHPHG DCM Port          | 1/3/DCM     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 16974848  | AHPHG Line Port         | 1/3/LINE    | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 16975104  | Unassigned Port         | 1/3/OSC     | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 16975360  | AHPHG CustLan Port      | 1/3/CUSTLAN | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17039616  | AHPLG Signal Port       | 1/4/SIG     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 17040128  | AHPLG DCM Port          | 1/4/DCM     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 17040384  | AHPLG Line Port         | 1/4/LINE    | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 17040640  | AHPLG OSC Port          | 1/4/OSC     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 17040896  | AHPLG CustLan Port      | 1/4/CUSTLAN | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17432832  | SFC8 MUX Port           | 1/10/OMD    | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 17433088  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1471   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17433344  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1491   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17433600  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1511   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17433856  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1531   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17434112  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1551   | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 17434368  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1571   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17434624  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1591   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17434880  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1611   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17498368  | 11DPM8 SDH NW Port      | 1/11/L1     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17498624  | 11DPM8 SDH NW Port      | 1/11/L2     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17498880  | 11DPM8 SDH Client Port  | 1/11/C1     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17499136  | Unassigned Port         | 1/11/C2     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17499392  | 11DPM8 SDH Client Port  | 1/11/C3     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17499648  | Unassigned Port         | 1/11/C4     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17499904  | 11DPM8 SDH Client Port  | 1/11/C5     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17500160  | 11DPM8 SDH Client Port  | 1/11/C6     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17500416  | Unassigned Port         | 1/11/C7     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17500672  | Unassigned Port         | 1/11/C8     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17500928  | 11DPM8 SDH eVOA Port    | 1/11/VA1    | ...     | other            | up          | no      |
| 17501184  | Unassigned Port         | 1/11/VA2    | ...     | other            | down        | no      |
| 17694976  | S13X100R Line Port      | 1/14/L1     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17695232  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C1     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17695488  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C2     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17695744  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C3     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17696000  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C4     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17696256  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C5     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17696512  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C6     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17696768  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C7     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17697024  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C8     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17697280  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C9     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17697536  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C10    | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17697792  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C21    | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17698048  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C31    | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17698304  | S13X100R Client Port    | 1/14/C32    | ...     | fibreChannel     | up          | no      |
| 17698560  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/BP2N1  | ...     | fibreChannel     | down        | no      |
| 17698816  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/BP2N3  | ...     | fibreChannel     | down        | no      |
| 17891584  | 11QPA4 SDH NW Port      | 1/17/L1     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17891840  | 11QPA4 SDH NW Port      | 1/17/L2     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17892096  | 11QPA4 SDH NW Port      | 1/17/L3     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17892352  | 11QPA4 SDH NW Port      | 1/17/L4     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17892608  | 11QPA4 SDH Client Port  | 1/17/C1     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17892864  | 11QPA4 SDH Client Port  | 1/17/C2     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17893120  | 11QPA4 SDH Client Port  | 1/17/C3     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17893376  | 11QPA4 SDH Client Port  | 1/17/C4     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17893632  | 11QPA4 SDH eVOA Port    | 1/17/VA1    | ...     | other            | up          | no      |
| 17893888  | 11QPA4 SDH eVOA Port    | 1/17/VA2    | ...     | other            | up          | no      |
| 17894144  | 11QPA4 SDH eVOA Port    | 1/17/VA3    | ...     | other            | up          | no      |
| 17894400  | 11QPA4 SDH eVOA Port    | 1/17/VA4    | ...     | other            | up          | no      |
| 19398912  | DCN Ethernet Port       | 1/40/OAMP   | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | up          | no      |
| 19399168  | VOIP Port               | 1/40/VOIP   | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | down        | no      |
| 19399424  | E1 Port                 | 1/40/E1     | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | down        | no      |
| 19399680  | E2 Port                 | 1/40/E2     | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | down        | no      |
| 419496192 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9600   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419496448 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9590   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419496704 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9580   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419496960 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9570   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419497216 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9560   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419497472 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9550   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419497728 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9540   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419497984 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9530   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419498240 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9520   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419498496 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9510   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419498752 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9500   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419499008 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9490   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419499264 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9480   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419499520 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9470   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419499776 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9460   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419500032 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9450   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419500288 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9440   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419500544 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9430   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419500800 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9420   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419501056 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9410   | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 419501312 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9400   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419501568 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9390   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419501824 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9380   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419502080 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9370   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419502336 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9360   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419502592 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9350   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419502848 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9340   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419503104 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9330   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419503360 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9320   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419503616 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9310   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419503872 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9300   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419504128 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9290   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419504384 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9280   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419504640 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9270   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419504896 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9260   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419505152 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9250   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419505408 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9240   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419505664 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9230   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419505920 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9220   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419506176 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9210   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419506432 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9200   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419506688 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9190   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419506944 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9180   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419507200 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9170   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419507456 | SFD MUX Port            | 25/1/OMD    | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 436273408 | External DCM InOut Port | 26/1/DCM    | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 453050624 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9600   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453050880 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9590   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453051136 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9580   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453051392 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9570   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453051648 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9560   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453051904 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9550   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453052160 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9540   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453052416 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9530   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453052672 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9520   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453052928 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9510   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453053184 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9500   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453053440 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9490   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453053696 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9480   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453053952 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9470   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453054208 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9460   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453054464 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9450   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453054720 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9440   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453054976 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9430   | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 453055232 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9420   | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 453055488 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9410   | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 453055744 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9400   | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 453056000 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9390   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453056256 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9380   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453056512 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9370   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453056768 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9360   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453057024 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9350   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453057280 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9340   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453057536 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9330   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453057792 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9320   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453058048 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9310   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453058304 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9300   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453058560 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9290   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453058816 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9280   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453059072 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9270   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453059328 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9260   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453059584 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9250   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453059840 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9240   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453060096 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9230   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453060352 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9220   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453060608 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9210   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453060864 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9200   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453061120 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9190   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453061376 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9180   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453061632 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9170   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453061888 | SFD MUX Port            | 27/1/OMD    | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |

 o Duration             1.8872s

#####  Module Start: ports-stack  #####

 o Duration             0.0643s

#####  Module Start: vlans  #####


 o Duration             0.0781s

#####  Module Start: oids  #####

 o Duration             0.0007s

#####  Module Start: ip-addresses  #####

 o IP-MIB               PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Failed opening required 'PEAR.php' (include_path='/opt/observium/libs/pear:/opt/observium/libs:.:/usr/share/php') in /opt/observium/libs/pear/Net/IPv4.php:24
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/observium/includes/common.inc.php(104): include_once()
#1 /opt/observium/includes/entities/ip-address.inc.php(233): observium_autoload()
#2 /opt/observium/includes/entities/ip-address.inc.php(271): netmask2cidr()
#3 /opt/observium/includes/entities/ip-address.inc.php(160): get_ip_prefix()
#4 /opt/observium/includes/discovery/ip-addresses/ip-mib.inc.php(90): discover_add_ip_address()
#5 /opt/observium/includes/include-dir-mib.inc.php(48): include('...')
#6 /opt/observium/includes/discovery/ip-addresses.inc.php(29): include('...')
#7 /opt/observium/includes/discovery/functions.inc.php(977): include('...')
#8 /opt/observium/discovery.php(206): discover_device()
#9 {main}
  thrown in /opt/observium/libs/pear/Net/IPv4.php on line 24

best regards

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