Hi Adam,

I was need to reinstall the php-pear Libary ;-) Now it works many many thanks.

The Device is now added as generic device but it look that i need to add the mibs/nokia/tropic-….. from Observium to this device. Can you give me a hit to add this to the new device that it get the correct information back ?

Best regards 


Am 20.02.2023 um 19:14 schrieb Adam Armstrong via observium <observium@lists.observium.org>:


pear should always be available, if this doesn't fix it you'll need to figure out why pear isn't available on your particular machine.


Alisha Manuela Stutz via observium wrote on 20/02/2023 17:58:
Yes it was working, all other devices except the Nokia 1830 PSS, in Ubuntu 20.04 was working. In Ubuntu 20.04 was no support for snmp with sha and aes-256. This was the reason to update to 22.04, now it works but now Observium is crashing. 

Am 20.02.2023 um 18:46 schrieb Adam Armstrong via observium <observium@lists.observium.org>:

 was it working with 20.04?

Alisha Manuela Stutz via observium wrote on 20/02/2023 17:31:
Hi Adam,

It’s a updated Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS, previous it was Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

Best regards 

Am 20.02.2023 um 18:23 schrieb Adam Armstrong via observium <observium@lists.observium.org>:

 What is this installed on? It doesn't seem to have PEAR installed.


Alisha Manuela Stutz via observium wrote on 20/02/2023 17:15:
Hi to all,

I am currently trying to integrate a "Nokia 1830 PSS" device in our lab, but unfortunately the discovery process always stops with an error that I cannot currently decode. I have attached the complete discovery including the crash and hope someone can help me solve the problem.

sysadmin@observiumtest:/opt/observium$ /opt/observium/discovery.php -h all

  ___   _                              _
 / _ \ | |__   ___   ___  _ __ __   __(_) _   _  _ __ ___
| | | || '_ \ / __| / _ \| '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \
| |_| || |_) |\__ \|  __/| |    \ V / | || |_| || | | | | |
 \___/ |_.__/ |___/ \___||_|     \_/  |_| \__,_||_| |_| |_|
                     Observium Community Edition 23.1.12493

-- Database is up to date.
#####  Starting discovery run at 2023-02-20 17:05:39  #####

#####  vade-wag-b1 [130]  #####

| OID         |                                |
| sysDescr    | Nokia 1830 PSS v14.0.2 SDH ADM |
| sysObjectID | .      |

 o OS Type              generic
 o OS Group             unix
 o SNMP Version         v3
 o Last discovery
 o Last duration         seconds

#####  Module Start: os  #####

 o Duration             0.0002s

#####  Module Start: mibs  #####

 o MIBs discovered      <empty>
 o Duration             1.0324s

#####  Module Start: vrf  #####

 o Duration             0.0014s

#####  Module Start: ports  #####

 o Caching OIDs         ifDescr ifAlias ifName ifType ifOperStatus
 o Caching DB           163 ports
 o Discovering ports    ...................................................................................................................................................................
| ifIndex   | ifDescr                 | ifName      | ifAlias | ifType           | Oper Status | Ignored |
| 16843008  | Local Ethernet Port     | 1/1/CIT     | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | down        | no      |
| 16843264  | AUX Port                | 1/1/AUX     | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | down        | no      |
| 16843520  | ES1 Port                | 1/1/ES1     | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | down        | no      |
| 16843776  | ES2 Port                | 1/1/ES2     | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | down        | no      |
| 16908544  | AHPLG Signal Port       | 1/2/SIG     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 16909056  | AHPLG DCM Port          | 1/2/DCM     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 16909312  | AHPLG Line Port         | 1/2/LINE    | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 16909568  | AHPLG OSC Port          | 1/2/OSC     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 16909824  | AHPLG CustLan Port      | 1/2/CUSTLAN | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 16974080  | AHPHG Signal Port       | 1/3/SIG     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 16974592  | AHPHG DCM Port          | 1/3/DCM     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 16974848  | AHPHG Line Port         | 1/3/LINE    | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 16975104  | Unassigned Port         | 1/3/OSC     | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 16975360  | AHPHG CustLan Port      | 1/3/CUSTLAN | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17039616  | AHPLG Signal Port       | 1/4/SIG     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 17040128  | AHPLG DCM Port          | 1/4/DCM     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 17040384  | AHPLG Line Port         | 1/4/LINE    | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 17040640  | AHPLG OSC Port          | 1/4/OSC     | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 17040896  | AHPLG CustLan Port      | 1/4/CUSTLAN | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17432832  | SFC8 MUX Port           | 1/10/OMD    | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 17433088  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1471   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17433344  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1491   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17433600  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1511   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17433856  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1531   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17434112  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1551   | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 17434368  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1571   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17434624  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1591   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17434880  | SFC8 Channel Port       | 1/10/1611   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 17498368  | 11DPM8 SDH NW Port      | 1/11/L1     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17498624  | 11DPM8 SDH NW Port      | 1/11/L2     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17498880  | 11DPM8 SDH Client Port  | 1/11/C1     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17499136  | Unassigned Port         | 1/11/C2     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17499392  | 11DPM8 SDH Client Port  | 1/11/C3     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17499648  | Unassigned Port         | 1/11/C4     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17499904  | 11DPM8 SDH Client Port  | 1/11/C5     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17500160  | 11DPM8 SDH Client Port  | 1/11/C6     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17500416  | Unassigned Port         | 1/11/C7     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17500672  | Unassigned Port         | 1/11/C8     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17500928  | 11DPM8 SDH eVOA Port    | 1/11/VA1    | ...     | other            | up          | no      |
| 17501184  | Unassigned Port         | 1/11/VA2    | ...     | other            | down        | no      |
| 17694976  | S13X100R Line Port      | 1/14/L1     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17695232  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C1     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17695488  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C2     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17695744  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C3     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17696000  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C4     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17696256  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C5     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17696512  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C6     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17696768  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C7     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17697024  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C8     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17697280  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C9     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17697536  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C10    | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17697792  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C21    | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17698048  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/C31    | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17698304  | S13X100R Client Port    | 1/14/C32    | ...     | fibreChannel     | up          | no      |
| 17698560  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/BP2N1  | ...     | fibreChannel     | down        | no      |
| 17698816  | Unassigned Port         | 1/14/BP2N3  | ...     | fibreChannel     | down        | no      |
| 17891584  | 11QPA4 SDH NW Port      | 1/17/L1     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17891840  | 11QPA4 SDH NW Port      | 1/17/L2     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17892096  | 11QPA4 SDH NW Port      | 1/17/L3     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17892352  | 11QPA4 SDH NW Port      | 1/17/L4     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17892608  | 11QPA4 SDH Client Port  | 1/17/C1     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17892864  | 11QPA4 SDH Client Port  | 1/17/C2     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17893120  | 11QPA4 SDH Client Port  | 1/17/C3     | ...     | opticalChannel   | up          | no      |
| 17893376  | 11QPA4 SDH Client Port  | 1/17/C4     | ...     | opticalChannel   | down        | no      |
| 17893632  | 11QPA4 SDH eVOA Port    | 1/17/VA1    | ...     | other            | up          | no      |
| 17893888  | 11QPA4 SDH eVOA Port    | 1/17/VA2    | ...     | other            | up          | no      |
| 17894144  | 11QPA4 SDH eVOA Port    | 1/17/VA3    | ...     | other            | up          | no      |
| 17894400  | 11QPA4 SDH eVOA Port    | 1/17/VA4    | ...     | other            | up          | no      |
| 19398912  | DCN Ethernet Port       | 1/40/OAMP   | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | up          | no      |
| 19399168  | VOIP Port               | 1/40/VOIP   | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | down        | no      |
| 19399424  | E1 Port                 | 1/40/E1     | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | down        | no      |
| 19399680  | E2 Port                 | 1/40/E2     | ...     | ethernetCsmacd   | down        | no      |
| 419496192 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9600   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419496448 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9590   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419496704 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9580   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419496960 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9570   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419497216 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9560   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419497472 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9550   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419497728 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9540   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419497984 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9530   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419498240 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9520   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419498496 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9510   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419498752 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9500   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419499008 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9490   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419499264 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9480   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419499520 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9470   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419499776 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9460   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419500032 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9450   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419500288 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9440   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419500544 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9430   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419500800 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9420   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419501056 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9410   | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 419501312 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9400   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419501568 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9390   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419501824 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9380   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419502080 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9370   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419502336 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9360   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419502592 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9350   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419502848 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9340   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419503104 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9330   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419503360 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9320   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419503616 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9310   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419503872 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9300   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419504128 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9290   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419504384 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9280   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419504640 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9270   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419504896 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9260   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419505152 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9250   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419505408 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9240   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419505664 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9230   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419505920 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9220   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419506176 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9210   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419506432 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9200   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419506688 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9190   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419506944 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9180   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419507200 | SFD Channel Port        | 25/1/9170   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 419507456 | SFD MUX Port            | 25/1/OMD    | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 436273408 | External DCM InOut Port | 26/1/DCM    | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 453050624 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9600   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453050880 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9590   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453051136 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9580   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453051392 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9570   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453051648 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9560   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453051904 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9550   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453052160 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9540   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453052416 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9530   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453052672 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9520   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453052928 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9510   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453053184 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9500   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453053440 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9490   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453053696 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9480   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453053952 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9470   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453054208 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9460   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453054464 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9450   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453054720 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9440   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453054976 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9430   | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 453055232 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9420   | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 453055488 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9410   | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 453055744 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9400   | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |
| 453056000 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9390   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453056256 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9380   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453056512 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9370   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453056768 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9360   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453057024 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9350   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453057280 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9340   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453057536 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9330   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453057792 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9320   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453058048 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9310   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453058304 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9300   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453058560 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9290   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453058816 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9280   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453059072 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9270   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453059328 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9260   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453059584 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9250   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453059840 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9240   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453060096 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9230   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453060352 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9220   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453060608 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9210   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453060864 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9200   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453061120 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9190   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453061376 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9180   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453061632 | SFD Channel Port        | 27/1/9170   | ...     | opticalTransport | down        | no      |
| 453061888 | SFD MUX Port            | 27/1/OMD    | ...     | opticalTransport | up          | no      |

 o Duration             1.8872s

#####  Module Start: ports-stack  #####

 o Duration             0.0643s

#####  Module Start: vlans  #####


 o Duration             0.0781s

#####  Module Start: oids  #####

 o Duration             0.0007s

#####  Module Start: ip-addresses  #####

 o IP-MIB               PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Failed opening required 'PEAR.php' (include_path='/opt/observium/libs/pear:/opt/observium/libs:.:/usr/share/php') in /opt/observium/libs/pear/Net/IPv4.php:24
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/observium/includes/common.inc.php(104): include_once()
#1 /opt/observium/includes/entities/ip-address.inc.php(233): observium_autoload()
#2 /opt/observium/includes/entities/ip-address.inc.php(271): netmask2cidr()
#3 /opt/observium/includes/entities/ip-address.inc.php(160): get_ip_prefix()
#4 /opt/observium/includes/discovery/ip-addresses/ip-mib.inc.php(90): discover_add_ip_address()
#5 /opt/observium/includes/include-dir-mib.inc.php(48): include('...')
#6 /opt/observium/includes/discovery/ip-addresses.inc.php(29): include('...')
#7 /opt/observium/includes/discovery/functions.inc.php(977): include('...')
#8 /opt/observium/discovery.php(206): discover_device()
#9 {main}
  thrown in /opt/observium/libs/pear/Net/IPv4.php on line 24

best regards

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