I agree with Andrew.
9.00 pm is ridiculous.
Prohibition,or laws leaning into that direction won't work, that's all
been proven long time ago.
I'm sorry, we moved to Obs about 13 years ago and the Main Road always
had pubs and restaurants, and those are naturally the places where
alcohol is consumed, and sometimes (ok, often) in excess. Every city
needs areas like this, or do you only party at home?
If one chooses to move close to that vicinity, one will have to put up
with the noise, the excess. You cannot curtail venues because of your
sleep. Of course it should all be relatively reasonable. And 9 o clock
is not reasonable.
As far as I remember,all young generations live some kind of excess,
that's a normal process. But of course there will always be people who
complain about it, too.
Personally I find it silly to even not allow alcohol sales on a Sunday
or Public Holiday. In Germany for example you can buy alcohol
anywhere, at any time. For decades. The sales times are not the issue
or cause of alcohol abuse.
It's much more important to educate people to learn how to not use
every drug that comes along in excess and become total nuisances. Or
are you going to try and forbid TV Broadcasters because your children
watch to much TV?
The litter and broken glass, well make sure someone cleans it up, like
the venue in question, and if they don't,  complain to the police.
I think there should be more decent cocktail bars in the area, a
little upmarket competition would do no harm in Obs.
Oh, and that story of Johnny's, about under 16 year olds being totally
drunk in a venue - I don't believe that. I find that most venues are
quite responsible about not serving alcohol to under 16 year olds, and
I know, because I have a 14 year old daughter.


On Jan 28, 7:34 pm, Andrew Fife <loyal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> It is amazing how, beacause of the action or lack thereof, of less than 10%
> of the liqour license holders in Observatory, we are all tared with the same
> brush.
> Many of us respect the law and our patrons and neighbours. Even though I
> have 04:00 licence it is very rare to find drunk and disordely people at my
> venue. I do think 9pm is to too early as my kitchen only closes at 23:30
> Of the many complaints regurgited on this list, how many  have actually been
> put to paper and  submitted to the liqour board?
> The residents can only blame themselves for not holding the law enforces
> accountable.
> Regards
> Andrew Fife
> A Touch of Madness - Victorian Quaffery
> 021 448 2266www.touchofmadness.co.za
> 2009/1/28 Trevor Hughes <tghug...@gmail.com>
> > On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 6:52 PM, Johnny Wessels <john...@postnet.co.za>
> > wrote:
> > > Helen,
> > > I used to love playing billards until i walked into a pool club/pub in an
> > > upstairs venue and saw the shocking amount of teenagers from all walks of
> > > life with bottles/glasses of liquor held in their hands who in certain
> > cases
> > > were too intoxicated to hold a cue, much less play the game
> > Stoned! I mean Stones?
> > > I used to be a regular patron at a particular restaurant in lower main,
> > > until i overheard ( they were directly opposite me and quite audible) a
> > > table full of children ( the oldest could not have exceeded 16) broadcast
> > > their plans for an orgy after a night out at the clubs- there were many
> > > empty bottles of alcohol on their table and the time was barely 7pm-at
> > the
> > > time i shuddered to imagine the outcome of their evening.
> > Why not name the restaurant - might shame them into taking some action!
> > > I rest my case Helen.
> > Never rest your case till the battle is won!
> > Trev- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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