Hello Ladies and Gents ..

First time poster ..

I have been experiencing several issues with unexplained Fencing and silly mount/unmount errors With
Version 1.4.7 on UEK (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3) running under kernel 2.6.18-128.el5
With ocfs2console-1.6.3-2.el5,ocfs2-tools-1.6.3-2.el5 & ocfs2-2.6.18-128.el5-1.4.7-1.el5 RPM Packages.

You See, the problem is that I was going to deploy OCFS2 in about 32 nodes for general purpose "file/Middle Tier Application/RMAN Backup repository" sharing (since NFS is too slow, and GFS only supports 16 nodes)

When doing a web search for ocfs2 production ready I ran across this page

http://geekscrap.com/2010/01/what-evil-lurks-in-ocfs2/ and it scared the living daylight out of me.

(Not enough disk space,quorum needing manual restore,several racing conditions in file locking that lead to corruption,fsck taking forver after having to run it manually, in some cases leading to corruption and dead unrecoverable FileSystems )

So I have some questions:

1.- Are some/all of these issues resolved ?,
2.- If your Job depended on it would you use OCFS2 Now , using the same version/release
3.- Can we expect to see Release 1.6 without these bugs to be available @
    http://oss.oracle.com/projects/ocfs2/files/RedHat/RHEL5/x86_64/ Soon.
4.- if 1.6 Is available in RPM form, stable and downloadable .. Where is it ?

So the bottom line question is .. Should I look at alternative Cluster FileSystems or should I take the plunge once 1.6 is made available without these major bugs ? (or even now with Rel 1.4.7-1) ??


Flames welcome ;)



Adrian Salaices
Sr. Linux Administrator
Tomkins Building Products

972-943-6104 Tel



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