On Tue, Sep 01, 2009 at 15:17:36, Jean-Christian de Rivaz wrote:
> Thanks for the explanation. I will start learning how phonet works. 
> But I expect there exists a PPP stack somewhere in phonet because the 
> modem I use don't have one. And I don't think it's possible to have a 
> IP link over GPRS without the PPP protocol between them.

On most modern modems there is no need to have a PPP link between the 
Application Processor (AP) and the modem. They will often be able to transmit 
IP traffic directly to the AP.

Hence there is no PPP stack in phonet. If your modem does not support raw IP 
messaging (or any other datagram service) to the AP you will probably be stuck 
with good old PPP.

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