Hi Marcel,
> > >> The reason is simple, Nokia modems suspend GPRS when scanning (or
> > >> registering), simply because the operation will take roughly three
> > >> times as long with GPRS attached. You will find this feature in
> > >> current phones, too.
> > >
> > > Then ideally you should have two scan modes, periodic and user
> > > initiated.  For periodic mode we don't care how long it takes.
> >
> > +1
> Sounds like a plan. So we do need an /etc/ofono/main.conf :)

So my current thinking is to introduce a method to NetworkRegistration 
property called 'ProposeOperatorScan' and a new property called 
'OperatorScanInterval'.  The driver api can then support a (non-standard 
*gasp*) option to say whether this scan was initiated actively or not.

Maybe the Nokia modems can use this information not to drop the GPRS link if 
it isn't an active scan being performed.

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