Hi Rajesh,

On 11/22/2010 10:58 PM, ext rajesh.naga...@elektrobit.com wrote:
Hi Andras,

Dial strings can now be as long as 120 digits (not counting
'+'). This feature is going to be needed by the FDN feature.

An FDN may consist of a phone number plus a DTMF string. In
order to have the call succeed when FDN is enabled, both
parts need to be provided when making a call, as a single dial string.

For AT modems the long dial string can be and has to be
passed as is to the modem, for ISI modems the dial string
needs to be split into phone number (dest.
address sub block) and DTMF tone (post dest. address sub
block) before feeding it to the modem.
Sending the DTMF tone in post dest. address sub block in case of
the ISI modem or sending as part of the dial string in case of
AT modems, will the modem take care of DTMF postfix handling by
itself or its only going to use that for FDN check ?

If its going to be earlier case, then not all modems support
this feature and also sending the postfix DTMF tone automatically
by the modem without notifying to the AP, then the user neither
wont be aware of ongoing DTMF tone sending as there will be no
local playback of the tone nor will have any control over the
DTMF tones sending.

So we should parse the dial string and extract the DTMF postfix
(after the FDN check, anyways we are not suppoting FDN in oFono).
Once the call gets connected, then the postfix DTMF tones can be
sent out and signaled to the application about the start and stop
events of each tone, so the application can generate the
corresponding DTMF tones using the tonegenerator for local

Also currently the "w"/"W" stop character handling is not there,
so I am not sure if its intentionally left out or missing ?

I think the situation has been clarified based on the
discussion with Denis. I stop pushing these patches.
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