
On Monday 29 November 2010 16:46:43 ext Sjur BRENDELAND, you wrote:
> This raises some questions about the handling of
> ConnectionContexts.
> When a terminal attach to LTE network it would
> normally do an implicit context activation request
> associated to attach request (+CGATT=1).

Yeah. So the ConnectionManager cannot be 'Powered' off in LTE.

> When the context activation is completed this will
> result in an event notifying about the activated PDN
> connection according to
> 27.007 10.1.19 Packet Domain event reporting +CGEREP.
> +CGEV: ME PDN ACT <cid>
> At this point we have a "connection context" in the modem.
> The question is then, how should we model this in oFono?
> Should we assume/require that a Connection Context
> already is created by ConnMan and pre-exists in
> oFono (possibly with a flag indicating that this
> represents the initial PDN, or perhaps just taking
> the "internet" ConnectionContext)?

The modem driver ought to know what the default PDN is, and match it to the 
correct oFono primary context. no?

> Or should oFono automatically create a Connection Context?
> Furthermore, should oFono automatically proceed and
> set Active=true, bind the connection to a network interface
> and set network interface in state UP,

Definitely not. This would interfere with any other existing IP connection, say 

> or should the ConnectionContext initially set Active=false,
> waiting for ConnMan to activate it?

This assumes that the default PDN would be the Internet connection. For data-
only LTE, this might work. But wouldn't this fail miserably for networks with 
separate PDN for IMS and Internet?

Rémi Denis-Courmont
Nokia Devices R&D, Maemo Software, Helsinki
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