Why would WotC somehow be denied the benefits of the cure period that they extend to everyone else?


On Friday, Jun 13, 2003, at 16:53 US/Eastern, Tim Dugger wrote:

On 13 Jun 2003 Martin scribbled a note about RE: [Ogf-l] Mongoose's d20 Cyberpunk:

GOOD point! So in other words, Wizards in the form of the d20 SRD is in
violation of the OGL issued by Wizards; and once notified, they have 30
days to correct the problem, or their license will terminate
automatically. All sublicenses will survive, of course; but that will
leave Wizards in the position of using OGC under the OGL. Of course, they
don't need any license to use the material on which that OGC is based, so
that doesn't impact them much.

I'm hearing angels dancing on pinheads here, in terms of legal
consequence: for all practical purposes, Wizards cannot be in violation
with regards to this material, because they're the only ones with standing
to pursue the violation of their own OGC. But I see how this definitely
gives them a mechanism to correct the OGC under the license and thus
remove the term that was erroneously listed in OGC.

Oww! my aching head!!!

Seriously though, WOTC cannot be in violation of the OGL, be cause they
are the one releasing the SRD. Anything they release is released, and
open forever, period.

Now I could see this if some other company did this, but WOTC is the
company authorized (i.e. it is their property being released). Therefore,
it is out there forever....

 Rasyr (Tim Dugger)
 System Editor
 Iron Crown Enterprises

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