I'm trying to understand this employee mistake scenario.

Hypothetical: Lime-Green Ronin publishes Mercenaries of Seaport as 
100 percent open text. The company intended to do this, but the only 
written documentation of this intent is the book itself.

One month later, an animation company offers to option the characters 
in the book for development as a TV series.

Lime-Green Ronin announces on its Web site that an employee 
mistakenly put the "100 percent open text" declaration in Mercenaries 
of Seaport. The company only intended to open Appendix III, paragraph 
5 and the stat block and combat description of the spam golem.

How would third-party reusers be safe from this situation? It's not 
like most companies are chatty enough to clarify their intent for any 
of their work.
Rogers Cadenhead, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 06/14/2003
Weblog: http://www.cadenhead.org/workbench

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