I think I may have sent this to the wrong list the first time.
Sorry to anyone getting it twice.

This was discussed a bit before, but I see other examples that make me curious. When it comes to the OGL, I am primarily interested in d20 Modern. Needless to say, anything that I can do to make it clear my products are intended for use with d20 Modern is a good thing.

Now, I was under the impression that I cannot use the title
d20 Modern in my own product title. I could not produce a
supplement called "d20 Modern: Custom Hero." That
would be in violation.

So how does Otherworld Creation get away with having
a product called the d20 Modern GM's Screen? Doesn't
seem like that would be allowed.

Any thoughts? Are the OWC guys on here (I think I recall
seeing some from OWC here), and if so, do you have an
agreement to use the d20 Modern title in your product's

Leroy Van Camp III
ICQ #20039817

There is a time for bingo and there is a time for funerals. Try to keep them separate.

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