On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 11:25:30AM -0400, Steven Conan Trustrum wrote:
> >Now, the way I look at it,
> The rest of the comments in this argument aside, I'd just point out that 
> that how you, I, or anyone else looks at it is irrelevant. Get your 
> contract/IP lawyer to see how the LAW looks at it, because all other 
> opinions are just speculative interpretation.

Amen.  I'm not offering my questions as authoritative; all I'm doing
is observing that the current line of argument doesn't convince me,
for whatever that is worth.  (And if it was coming from an IP lawyer,
it probably would convince me.)

        Bryant Durrell [] http://www.innocence.com/~durrell [] 9/11/2001
 "'That's right,' he said.  'We're philosophers.  We think, therefore we am.'"
                        -- Terry Pratchett, _Small Gods_
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