> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Bolack
> In effort to verify we were going to be using the D20 logo 
> within sizing requirements  I checked up on the files currently at the 
> Wizard's site to make sure my memory wasn't fuzzy.
> What I found was a minimum display size of .5x.5". I was 
> certain I recalled a maximum size as well, but don't see that in the
> guide.  Additionally, I see that the print ready art is 
> smaller than the minimum sizes, at least according to Photoshop 6.0 on the
>  Admittedly, smaller by only a bit, but still smaller. Is there a larger 
> version of the art?  Was the size prohibition removed or do they simply
> reference it in the guide, but still do so in the SRD?

All three versions of the Trademark Logo Guide have no reference to the
maximum size limit the d20 logo should be, just the minimum.

AFAIC, you can make the logo large enough to cover the entire front or rear
book cover, as long it is not distorted nor printed over by other graphics.

Nevertheless, use the current version of the Guide (v3.0) indicated by the
current version of the d20STL (v4.0)

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