> From: DarkTouch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> You might try checking into the Prometheus Gaming System.. 
> I'm not sure  where they are. 

We're "paused."

>> last time I checked in with their web site though, it looked as 
>> though WotC had successfully derailed them by including them 
>> into 'secret projects' 


Actually we offered to host early access lists for WotC projects, that
allow companies working with the OGL to get access to not only the d20
material {before the general public} but also access to the game
designers themselves.

This has allowed publishers to provide compatible material that is
published closer to the initial release of other products.

The ability for so many 3.5 complient products to be available at or
just after GenCon was a result of having this early access.

>> and most of the rest of them were working on XML related projects. 

Things have mostly slowed down, due to:

1. Companies generally seemed to _not to want_ help with the OGL.  Most
new companies were more interested at going at it on their own, and
screwing up on their own, then taking a few hours to work with an
outside group to make sure they were being complient with both the
letter and the intent of the OGL/d20 licenses.

2. Volunteers to assist with our projects dried up and disapeared.

3. General lack of interest in a d20 compatible system that provided
alternative branding to the WotC d20 Logos, and explicitly allowed
character creation & advancement rules.

So we moved on to two other projects, XML and OGC Archives.  Both of
those have also slowed to a crawl due to lack of time (on the part of
the project leaders) and lack of volunteers to assist.

Michael Cortez
Technically the Managing Director of the Free Gaming Association
Ogf-l mailing list

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