On Sun, 10 Aug 2003, Leroy Van Camp III wrote:

> >   *If* Ryan is correct and WotC is still following that opinion, and 
> > lots of products start showing up that describe chargen in other ways 
> > (such as through point builds), they'll just change the license.  
> > Unlike the WotC OGL, they can change the D20STL at any time, with 
> > essentially no warning.
> I agree, one must be careful. If one hews close to the line drawn by 
> WotC, they may find that line moved.
> I am sure WotC could find ways to limit products like mine, though it 
> would have to be rather specific, such as specifically saying no 
> point-based system for acquiring feats, for example.

When evaluating the risk that WotC might change the chargen and
leveling-up restrictions in the d20STL, it's helpful to consider the
reason why those restrictions were initially put in place. 

WotC wanted the existence of d20 products to drive the sales of
their own core D&D rulebooks, especially the Player's Handbook (since
that's the one that has the largest potential audience). Thus they
protected two elements of the game system that would force those not
already in the know about how D&D character generation and experience
applying work to have access to the PH.

Publishers who find ways to circumvent this plan of WotC's have to
guess whether or not WotC thinks that plan is still worth pursuing. Is
the cat already out of the bag? Are D&D character creation and
XP rules already so well understood and so much a part of the gaming
culture that one no longer needs a PH in order to figure things out
just from the material available in D20 products? Do those
restrictions (either the current ones or broader ones that WotC might
be contemplating) actually produce the result WotC wants?

Personally, I don't think those restrictions are worth WotC's time
anymore, but my answers to those questions aren't the answers that

Spike Y Jones

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