First, an issue that is incredibly minor, and I think I know the answer...
If I draw from a source using version 1.0 of the license, need I list it
alongside 1.0a in Section 15?  It's been suggested otherwise, the basis
being that we're supposed to reproduce the *exact text* of the sources
copyright.  My feeling is that the "use any version of the license" sets the
standard as to be the one I am actually using myself, and examples I already
know of follow suit.

Second, and more troubling...  A source I'm drawing from has the following
S15 entry:

[Product Name] and the above designated Product Identity are Copyright
[Year], [Publisher].

[Names removed to protect the guilty...]

Now, is it just me, or is there a problem with putting this line into my
material?  After all, the "above designated Product Identity" is going to be
*my* Product Identity, and I don't see this line doing anything except
causing issues.

Yes, I have sent emails.  No, I have not gotten a reply.  Now I'm
half-tempted to hit all the publisher forums I know (ENWorld, Mortality,
WotC d20 page, etc.) and just post a "public announcement" that I'm removing
the stupid part for obvious reasons.  As a free download, I can change it at
a moment's notice should the offending parties ever get an inkling to
contact me, although the fact that I *know* I'd be doing it has held my hand
back on the issue, so to speak.

Thoughts and opinions on this?

~Jimmy Domsalla

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