I cant believe this is causing a headache. Come on,
people. Be problem solvers for god's sake, not

The license requires you to duplice their section 15
exactly. That's that. Do it.

BUT there is nothing that says you can't add some
stuff parenthetically afterwards.

For example, here could be your section 15:

Your product, copyright You, author You.

Offending Product Name, and the above designated
Product Identity are Copyright, Year, Publisher.

OK, so the above entry is the part that causes you
problems. Why not just add this beneath it:

[Note, the above entry was required to be reproduced
exactly pursuant to paragraph XXX of the Open Game
License; however, its reference "and the above
designated Product Identity" refers to the Product
Identity designated in Offending Product Name, not
THIS product, and does not in any way alter the
designation of Product Identity in THIS work nor does
it alter the ownership of the content of this work.]

How about that for a solution? And you dont have to
alter their entry (which we all agree is lame) to
achieve your goal.


--- jdomsalla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First, an issue that is incredibly minor, and I
> think I know the answer...
> If I draw from a source using version 1.0 of the
> license, need I list it
> alongside 1.0a in Section 15?  It's been suggested
> otherwise, the basis
> being that we're supposed to reproduce the *exact
> text* of the sources
> copyright.  My feeling is that the "use any version
> of the license" sets the
> standard as to be the one I am actually using
> myself, and examples I already
> know of follow suit.
> Second, and more troubling...  A source I'm drawing
> from has the following
> S15 entry:
> [Product Name] and the above designated Product
> Identity are Copyright
> [Year], [Publisher].
> [Names removed to protect the guilty...]
> Now, is it just me, or is there a problem with
> putting this line into my
> material?  After all, the "above designated Product
> Identity" is going to be
> *my* Product Identity, and I don't see this line
> doing anything except
> causing issues.
> Yes, I have sent emails.  No, I have not gotten a
> reply.  Now I'm
> half-tempted to hit all the publisher forums I know
> (ENWorld, Mortality,
> WotC d20 page, etc.) and just post a "public
> announcement" that I'm removing
> the stupid part for obvious reasons.  As a free
> download, I can change it at
> a moment's notice should the offending parties ever
> get an inkling to
> contact me, although the fact that I *know* I'd be
> doing it has held my hand
> back on the issue, so to speak.
> Thoughts and opinions on this?
> ~Jimmy Domsalla
> qtgg.icehex.net
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