In a message dated 6/2/2004 10:15:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

What it means is that you can certainly say the word 'Hypothetically' in a sentence and I'm not going to be an ass about it. No sense in turning off common sense just to prove a point. If someone says: I'm trying to figure something out that I can't really talk about.. but hypothetically it falls along these lines.. can you help me out" Then I certainly will pay attention.

Dude, you know better than that.  I already sent you a private message saying I had 100 pages done on a point based fantasy architecture for the d20 system.  And you have been talking about me wasting your time.  I have collected every d20 point based architecture I could find to see what I could incorporate into my d20 point based fantasy architecture.

But I was going to skip M&M if I thought it was gonna be a licensing problem to use the stuff.

So, I think right now, you are wasting my time.  I withdraw my request for a response from you, since in spite of a private response you are now just wasting bandwidth.

As woodelf said, my inclusion of the information in the product is hypothetical because if it's:

a) going to annoy the crap out of Chris Pramas in spite of its legality OR

b) if its going to be a licensing nightmare to include

then I wasn't going to do it.

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