On Fri, 30 Jul 2004, Tavis Allison wrote:

> Behemoth3, Inc. enthusiastically supports the open source licensing
> movement, and we salute the creators of the Open Game License for
> this revolutionary contribution to our community. In this spirit we
> are honored to release sections of this book as open game content,
> which we hope other creators will be inspired to re-use and build
> upon in their own works. [If you do, we encourage you to use the
> following limited license.] We feel that citation of the source in
> which an idea originally appeared is essential to the vitality of
> all open intellectual systems, and this limited license is designed
> to facilitate such citation. We hope that other publishers will
> consider including similar licenses in their own releases.

Not commenting on the license itself, my personal preference would be
for you to insert language of the sort "While you may reuse this Open
Content according to the terms of the Open Gaming License, if you do
so, we encourage you to *also* use the following limited attribution
license" to replace the sentence marked with [brackets] above. I
wouldn't want someone to use your PI license because he mistakenly
thought its use was mandatory.

Spike Y Jones

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