On 1 Mar 2005 at 16:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> That wouldn't free you from copyright or trademark infringement, just
> that the PI of the SRD is irrelevant to you if you haven't listed the
> SRD in your section 15.

Unless you are doing a product for Action! (which also uses the OGL - 
or any other system using the OGL, excepting the d20 System), it is 
impossible to do a product (using the d20 system) without listing the 
SRD in your section 15. That is the "System Reference Document" 
from which all other products using the (game engine developed by 
wotc) is a derivative of.

If you do not list that in your section 15, then you are in violation of the 
OGL itself. Remember, the Section 15 is meant to show where your 
non-original OGC came from. And the SRD is where everything 
originally came from, at least for the core mechanics.

Rasyr (Tim Dugger)
 System Editor
 Iron Crown Enterprises - http://www.ironcrown.com

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