On 1 Mar 2005 at 18:05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 3/1/2005 5:47:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> > <<Unless you are doing a product for Action! (which also uses the
> > OGL - or any other system using the OGL, excepting the d20 System),
> > it is impossible to do a product (using the d20 system) without
> > listing the SRD in your section 15. That is the "System Reference
> > Document" from which all other products using the (game engine
> > developed by wotc) is a derivative of.
> > >>
> You can easily do it.  Design your own game.  Or use FUDGE.  LowDie. 
> Action! 
>  There are 3 open systems plus anything you design on your own that
>  doesn't 
> require the SRD.

Go back and read the first sentence I wrote... hehe especially the part 
in the parenthesis.....

> > <<If you do not list that in your section 15, then you are in
> > violation of the OGL itself.>>
> Not for your own games (that aren't based on the SRD) and not for
> those 3 games.
> <<> And the SRD is where everything 
> > originally came from, at least for the core mechanics.
> >>
> No, it's where all d20-based stuff comes from.  It's not where
> everything comes from.
> Your company, for example, has plenty of things that it could release
> without the SRD, Tim.

Please note that I did take into account that there are other systems 
using the OGL, and that I was excluding them from my comments.

Also, I have absolutely no idea what the situation would be if you were 
doing something for Action! with the OGL and wanted to use 
something declared by another company as PI (using the OGL for the 
d20 system), but my gut instinct says no, because both use the OGL, 
and thus both would be bound by it, no matter that you are using 
different system ref docs.

Rasyr (Tim Dugger)
 System Editor
 Iron Crown Enterprises - http://www.ironcrown.com

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