> 1) Acme Games publishes a non OGL roleplaying game
> with no OGC declared.
> 2) Several years later WotC bring out the OGL and
> Acme Games joins the OGC community.
> 3) Someone at Beta Games phones up the guy that runs
> Acme Games and says:
> "I've been looking at some of your old stuff and
> there is something there that I'd really
> like to use in one of my products."
> 4) The head of Acme Games says:
> "I don't mind you using it, but I don't want to have
> to go to the expense of republishing
> it under the OGL. However, as long as you promise to
> declare X,Y and Z as PI for me, you
> can use it."
> Wouldn't this then mean that Beta Games would be
> making PI declarations on behalf of Acme
> Games? Beta Games would then be a third party that
> benefits from the protection of the
> OGL.
> Is this the sort of thing you are getting at?

If that is what he is talking about, I have already
done it a bunch of times.

Any time you use content under license, you are most
likely going to be doing something like that.

For example, our Judges Guild products and our
Grimtooth's Traps book. In those books I declare PI
content that I am using under license.

I dont see any logical or legal prohibition to doing



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