In a message dated 3/14/2005 9:55:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<OK, so you *can* register copyright in *some* parts of the USA,>>

In _all_ parts of the USA.

<< but does this make copyright protection
null and void if you *don't* register it? >>

No, you just can't pursue some legal solutions until after you register.  So, if someone is infringing on one of your works you may need to spend the time and money to register your copyright to gain the legal rights to sue for certain types of damage.

*If* you can't enforce copyright "if you don't register things with some sort of copyright agency", does that stop you from being able to follow through on an OGL breach.>>

No.  Registration is just a requirement for pursuing some actions under Title 17.  If you pursue an OGL _breach_ case instead of a _copyright_infringement_ case then the requirements will be different.

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