While your use of tagging is pretty spiffy, it isn't that useful as it could support both sides of the discussion.

Is it:

<begin product>
        <PI material (outside open content />
        <begin Open Content>
                <PI material (within the open content>
        </close open content>
        <PI Matierial (outside open content />
</end product>


<begin product>
        <Standard copyright content />
        <begin Open Content>
                <PI material (within the open content>
        </close open content>
        <Standard copyright content />
</end product>

Up until your last sentence I thought you were going with version 1, but the 
last sentence leads me to belive you meant version 2.

Tim Dugger wrote:

On 1 Mar 2005 Weldon scribbled a note about RE: [OGF-L] Who can declare 
ProductIdentity (Thir:

The argument isn't that the material is not covered by the license.
The argument is that the terms of the license to reuse open content
only applies to content that is clearly identified as open (which is
what the license says). PI is content that is explicitly excluded from
OGC because otherwise the OGC designation would include it. There is
an implication of a third type of content that is not designated as
OGC or PI and is therefore non-open.

Aha... Here is possibly a good way to look at it...

<begin product>
        <unlabled content />
        <begin Open Content>
                <PI material (within the open content>
        </close open content>
        <unlabled content />
</end product>

The whole purpose behind PI is to be able to exclude material from sections marked as Open Content, plain and simple.

Anything not marked as Open Content or as PI, falls back to be covered by standard copyright and trademark laws.

Rasyr (Tim Dugger)
System Editor
Iron Crown Enterprises - http://www.ironcrown.com

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